Saturday, July 6, 2013


Today was fun! We did something new--at least new for me. We went skeet shooting. I'd never done that before and I even managed to hit a few of them. It was harder than I thought it would be. Although, I'm not really sure what I thought it would be. After we were done, we took the kids swimming. They played in the pool for a long time and really had a blast.

Sally and Seth spent the morning with Dad and Mom and then left for Jackson Hole. They have quite a few places they are going to visit over the next week. We think they will stop back by on their way back to the airport as they leave--as long as they give themselves enough time. The kids loved getting to know them better. They were so little the last time they were here I am not sure they remember much of the visit. They loved having them read to them and play with them. It's been a nice visit.

We've had some pretty good thunderstorms the last couple of days. We need the moisture so no complaints--not to mention it really cooled things off. It feels pretty nice outside now. We had way too many days that were over 100 degrees the last few weeks. Hopefully, we are done with those.

Well, hope you all had a nice holiday. We sure did! More later.

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