Friday, July 12, 2013


Watching a James Bond movie with Rob and trying to blog--not necessarily two compatible activities. One is kind of cathartic, the other makes my pulse race! So, no promises what you're gonna get here. Lol.

It's been a busy day. We have a ton going on this weekend. Rob has been gone the last couple of days on a work assignment. He finally got home this evening. Our niece is going on an LDS mission to Ecuador in a few days and so we are spending the next couple of days with her as she prepares to leave. I spent the day baking some goodies to take along. I won't bother to go into the list of other things we have to get done--but, OY!

I had to take my van in today to have the tires checked because the back two kept losing air. When I picked it up I found out I had a nail in both back tires. So weird -- can't imagine how I picked up a nail in both tires! I'm grateful I found out ad got it fixed before I ended up somewhere with a complete flat.

Mom and I also managed to make it out this morning to do a little shopping. One of my friends took the kids for a few hours so we took advantage of the time and went shopping! Yay for us!

Well, I'm a tired Mommy--so, I better finish so I can get to bed once the movie ends. Have a lovely weekend. :)

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