Jonathon was busy vacuuming the floor with Carly's pink vacuum last night and brushing his teeth (yes, at the same time) when he discovered this big black bucket. Next thing I knew he'd put the vacuum down, climbed in the bucket with his toothbrush and made himself comfortable. That's my funny little guy!
We had filled that bucket with Halloween candy and had it in Grandpa's room at the hospital and rehab center for the nursing staff. Now that Grandpa's home and the bucket is empty I've seen it on Carly's head and Jonathon's seat! Wonder where I'll find it next? Probably don't want to think too hard about that one! Lol!
By the way, Grandpa is making progress. He came upstairs for dinner tonight. He is looking good and seems to be feeling pretty well. He likes to hear from all of you so if you're inclined to call, please do. He still has lots of physical therapy ahead but he is working hard at it. More later.
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