Sunday, November 28, 2010


Grandpa is doing really well. His recovery so far has been flawless. Knock on wood with me, won't you?! He is going to outpatient physical therapy three times a week now at the rehab center where he stayed. He has an appt. tomorrow (Monday) morning and then in the afternoon he has a checkup with his surgeon to see how he is responding to the new shoulder.

Unfortunately, we have been hit with a really heavy snowstorm that's been falling for the past three days. I'm hoping they will have the roads cleared pretty well by noon tomorrow. It is supposed to continue snowing lightly through about 11:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. His appt. with the surgeon is about an hour from here and is just after 2:00 p.m.. His rehab appt. is about five miles away and is around 10:00 in the morning. Just hoping we don't have any travel problems. Keep us in your prayers and I will update you as soon as we return. Take care, N.

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