Julie and I were having smoothies the other day when Jonathon decided he wanted a drink of hers. No chance! She wasn't giving him a drop. I told her I thought that was kind of selfish and said "Come on, how much can a baby drink anyway?" And I was serious. So I put him on my lap and gave him a tiny sip. After all a couple of days before Carly had wanted some and I made her a small sippy of smoothier and she hardly touched it.
So, anyway, after Jonathon's sip his entire face lit up like a flash cube (for those of you old enough to remember those!) He reached for my cup and pulled it toward him. I thought, "What the heck" and gave him another sip. Well, it wasn't a sip; it was a sustained drink. Oh no! What have I done. Now, I don't mind sharing my smoothie with my precious boy; I just worry about the present he is going to leave for me in a few hours. Yikes. Still, he loves it so much and now pulls at my cup even harder and whines. Decisions, decisions. I gave in and let him have more. One sip for mommy, one long chug for Jonathon. Oh my! Julie ran to grab the camera. I'm guessing he drank about 1/4 of my smoothie. And yup, a few hours later there was an explosion in his diaper. Oh, but I wasn't home at the time. Oops! But Julie--who laughed and encouraged Mommy the hardest--told me ALL about it! Lol!
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