Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Jonathon had a much better day today. He seemed to be feeling lots better. He is getting around so well now. He one hands it around the couches and tables and can go pretty much everywhere he wants to these days.

We were all at the dinner table tonight and had just finished eating. Rob got up to leave and Jonathon had a fit when Rob didn't take him with him. So Rob turned around and started talking to him and Jonathon talked back in his own language. Rob would tilt his head to one side and say something to him and Jonathon would do the same. Rob would tilt his head the other way and Jonathon would follow suit. Finally, Rob came back to the table and picked him up. Jonathon was all smiles! He sure loves his daddy!

Being on this EAT TO LIVE diet the last little while I have been eating a lot of vegetables. I've especially enjoyed steaming zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower and other similar veggies. Carly hasn't wanted much to do with them but Jonathon goes nuts if I don't give him bites of the broccoli and cauliflower. He loves them. It surprises me that my baby loves these veggies especially but I'm glad!

I finally got over to my gym today and worked my buns off (hopefully)! At least I tried to. Things have either been so busy that I haven't had the time to or I simply haven't had the energy to.

Mom and Dad went to a family funeral here in town today. It was really sad. We only met this family member a few weeks ago even though we've been communicating by email for a few years. Then a week after we met she suddenly had a stroke. I guess the blessing in it is that she didn't linger for a long time. We just feel really sad for her family and friends and pray the Lord will give them comfort. God bless you Maralee.

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