Monday, April 12, 2010


It was cute when she took her first steps, said her first words, gave her first kiss. Yes, all the firsts were cute--O.K. maybe not all of them. Yah, well along the latter line of thinking. Carly climbed out of her crib for the first time the other day and boosted open the not-so-kiddie-proof lock on her door and came walking out from her nap before it had even started. She was genuinely surprised that we were upset about it. I think she thought we would be outside the door with an audience clapping wildly at her feat! She was madly disappointed when we put her back in bed and shut the door again.

She repeated the same episode with identical results the first two attempts I made to give her a nap today. I finally wrestled control back but not before I was almost convinced that the inmates were running the asylum! The third try stuck but I'm afraid I'm in for a whole lotta trouble now that she knows she can climb her way free. Yikes!

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