Sunday, April 18, 2010


Jonathon's bottom front tooth broke through yesterday and the one next to it isn't far behind! Finally, all the drooling and oozing is starting to pay off. I don't know though. I'm a little sad about it. Having been through this once now with Carly, I know how fast this growing up thing starts moving. I love his little toothless grin and it seems like it's only a quick hop, skip and jump from the first tooth to a mouthful of teeth and the terrible two's! Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! Hee hee!

Then, on top of beginning to get his teeth in Jonathon started sitting up on his own today! Yup! Two milestones in two days. This little guy is going for a record! It's fun to see him start to hit these milestones so easily after being so sick this past Winter. He's such a happy, fun little guy. We are so blessed to have him and be a part of his life.

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