Monday, December 21, 2009


I went to Sam's Club today to order Grandma's birthday cake. I had Carly with me and she was sitting in the cart while I was writing out the order for the cake. Trouble is she was sitting right next to the display of cakes that were for sale. I didn't think much about it at the time. While I was writing out the order she was doing her usual chattering to which I respond without doing a lot of thinking, i.e., "Cakes mommy!", "Yes, Pretty aren't they?" Well, I finished the order and turned it in and then turned and started pushing the cart away from the cake area. Holy Toledo! My 22 month old popped a cork! "NO MOMMY! CAKE! GET A CAKE!

I tried to explain to her that we had just ordered one and would pick it up in a few days . . . but it sounded like this to her 22 month old ears: "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, NO CAKE FOR YOU! YOU CAN NEVER HAVE CAKE AGAIN! BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!" In other words she threw a screaming mimi tantrum and the only words I could understand were "need", "get" and "cake". It took a few minutes but once I got her out of the cake section and got her mind on other things she calmed down. It occurs to me that I think I've created a sugar monster--at the very least a cake monster. I'm in trouble. :}

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