You might remember a month or so ago when I posted a picture of Jonathon with a bunch of adorable wooden soldiers with a caption that said "What's wrong with this picture?" Well, of course Jonathon was really sad in the picture because there was a wooden soldier for all of the girls in the family but not one for him. He had found them all and felt really bad because he couldn't find his. (You can roll your eyes at me here and say "Crazy Mama!)
Anyway, these wooden soldiers are precious collector's items because they were made by a wonderful, whimsical artist named Joyce who has been a friend of our family since long before I was born. She always made my childhood holidays magical by painting the windows of all the stores downtown with glorious holiday scenes. It was the most fun place to go--so full of life and wonder! She is simply amazing and has talent that flows from every pore. This time, though, she pulled off a Christmas miracle because I found out after I asked her (see: emotionally coerced)if she could make one for Jonathon that she had retired and thrown out all of her patterns and paints. (J & L -- I owe you BIG! See: HUGE, XXXL, EL GRANDE.)
I just want everyone to see how much Jonathon loved his wooden soldier. He was so happy when we opened it he started dancing and singing! Too bad we didn't get it on the camcorder! Darn! Here are some stills, though!

See how big I am now?

Sweet Joyce did not leave Carly out. How thoughtful! Thank you! Carly loves her Raggedy Ann!

She is a little camera shy these days. When she gets embarrassed she closes her eyes and thinks we can't see her anymore. Hmmm. Maybe she's right--too bad the camera still can, Miss Raggedy, Raggedy, Raggedy Carly!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! We love you!
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