Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lovin' the Warm Weather!

Carly and I went on a walk today with a neighbor and her son. Well, I guess to be accurate the Mommies did the walking and the kiddies did the riding. They had fun, though and it was a really nice day out. It was hot but there was a nice breeze blowing from time to time. I'm really hoping we are done with snow until next year.

Carly has discovered that she really likes being outside. If I even open the door for a second she wants to go out. If I happen to close it without letting her go out, I really hear about it. And man, if I do something like take her out to get the mail with me and come right back in--she is really peeved! Of course, if I don't take her out with me--she's just as mad--so I really can't win unless I want to sit outside all day. And since the pollen count is so high right now and my allergies are bad--I can't so much wanna! Even though I can't be outside every minute I'm still loving the warm weather!


Shelli Sivert said...

Don't you just love going for walks in the nice weather? Every day that it's nice we're out there. Jed loves being outside too. Same thing with the door opening and him wanting to go out.

Charlene said...

So I take it that Carly is pretty much the boss. I wish I had taken advantage of that when I was small.