Dean Durrant, 33, and Alison Spooner, 27, of Fleet, Hampshire, have had another set of twin girls with different coloured skin. Miya has her father's black skin and Leah is white like her mother. The couple's first set of twins arrived in 2001, with blue-eyed, red-haired Lauren taking after her mother while Hayleigh has black skin and hair like her father.
Ms Spooner told Sky News: "I honestly didn't think it would happen again. "I thought we would have two the same - and I didn't think we'd have twins again for a start. That was a shock," she said.
The couple tried to put a bet on just in case but say bookies William Hill refused because the did not have the medical knowledge to offer them odds. Rupert Adams, a spokesman for William Hill, said some novelty bets are difficult to offer fair odds on. However, the bookies will try and offer a price if the couple want to make it third time lucky. "If they came to us again saying they would try for another set, we'd give them odds of 10,000 to one," he said.
Miya and Leah were delivered by Caesarean section at Frimley Park Hospital, in Surrey, at just 37 weeks of pregnancy after scans revealed both babies were in the breech position.

Hayleigh and Lauren
Mr. Durrant said he began to suspect they were different colours when second-born Miya arrived. He explained: "I was sure in my mind there was a difference but I didn't think it was as much as with Hayleigh and Lauren but obviously it is."
The babies were taken to a special care unit because they were not breathing properly so it took five days for the parents to see them side by side.
"It's amazing," Mr Durrant added. "I think I'm still in shock."
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