Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I spent my day cleaning a good portion of my upstairs and rearranging my kitchen counter space. My sister suggested it to me some time ago and I really think I am going to like it. It was one of those things I had to be in the mood to do--you know, where you feel like pulling every little thing apart and cleaning behind it so you can rearrange the whole place. Today that mood finally hit me. Yay me!

It always surprises me how fast a room can go from clean to total disaster but I guess it shouldn't. It used to happen with roommates, and then teenagers and happens even faster now with toddlers. You would think I'd get used to it--but I never have.

Because I was still cleaning when Rob came home--well, and even for a couple hours after he was home he went out and got take out for us tonight from one of our favorite restaurants. I told him it could be our Mother's Day dinner. I am making dinner for his brother's birthday on Sunday--(at my suggestion) so it seemed like a good trade off to have my Mother's Day Dinner tonight. Plus, I was way too pooped to cook.

Mom and Dad both had doctor appt.'s today--so they got out for a few hours and then had something to eat while they were out and Mom did some shopping. It's always good when Dad can get out for a bit.

It rained all day here today and our temperature is down now a bit from what it has been. It is in the mid-fifties tonight and is supposed to be a little cooler the next few days.

My aunt Kaye is in a regular room now. They put something called a peg-tube in yesterday that is a longer term feeding tube. They will leave that in until she can pass her swallow test. They are considering sending her to a skilled nursing facility for a short while and then possibly allowing her to go home. They could allow her to be moved to the facility as early as Friday if things continue to go well. I will keep you posted. Again, thank you for your prayers and please keep them going.

I can't even remember if I mentioned in here that Carly has her first loose tooth! We noticed it a couple of days ago and she is so excited! Me--not so much. She is growing up too fast. Lol. Anyway, she can't wait for all of her teeth to fall out--or so she says. She is trying to wrap her mind around exactly how this is going to happen. I am enjoying watching her mind work at it. Hahaha. It's cute.

Well, night all. 

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