Sunday, February 10, 2013


The tenth of February is a bittersweet day in my history. It is a wonderful anniversary ~ you see eight years ago today I met my husband for the first time. We went on our first date and we got along so well we talked till really late. However, after he'd gone home and I got inside I had a heartbreaking message from my cousin Ned asking me to call no matter how late because his older brother, my cousin Bill, had died and he really needed to talk.We knew we were going to lose Bill, just not quite so quickly. Bill had found out he had pancreatic cancer a short time before and knew he did not have long. Probably the saddest part was he had just gotten married 5 days earlier to the best thing that had ever happened to him--and we were so hoping he and Cindy would have longer together than they did.

So anyway, today is the anniversary of the first day of the rest of my life because I met my sweetheart eight years ago today. Happy Anniversary you handsome hunk of a man! Lol!

And it's the unfortunate marking of a farewell to my cousin Bill whom I spent a lot of time around growing up since we lived pretty much next door for the first nine years of my life. Bill was a really great guy and his life was much, much too short. Miss you Bill and love you.

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