Thursday, February 24, 2011


While Carly was eating breakfast this morning she suddenly turned to me and said "I got to go to work today, Mom!" It made me giggle inside but I didn't let on. I think my response surprised her because she wasn't ready for it.

I turned to her and said; "Oh really, where do you work?" She popped her head up from her cereal bowl, looked at me and blinked a couple times. Finally she said; "in Daddy's office" and pointed down the hall. I smiled and said; "Oh and what do you do? This time she looked at me like I had just asked the dumbest question in the whole world. In other words--one of those "Duh" questions. Her answer: "Work, Mom!" And "Mom" had become three syllables!

Who knew I still had SO much to learn. Good thing I have a very smart 3 year old to teach me! Can't wait until she's 5 and knows EVERYTHING! LOL!!

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