Monday, June 14, 2010


Today is Susan's birthday. She is my OLDER sister. O.K. but not by very much and she doesn't let me forget that either! Mom and Dad went down and took Susan and her family to dinner. Sounds like everyone had a good time except maybe Alyssa, Susan's oldest who had just had her wisdom teeth out. Anyway, Happy Birthday Susan! We love you! Hope you had a terrific day!

The sun came out again today after a week of rain. We may actually get to finish planting our flowers tomorrow. The one's we've already planted look really good but we've had several flats sitting in the garage since the rain started and have just been keeping them watered until we can plant them outside.

I think the pollen count is really high right now. At least that's what my nose and eyes are telling me. I sure have noticed it the last several days. I guess the rain really kicks it up into the air. Whatever the reason, let me tell you it's just no fun!

We had some friends over tonight and watched some family friendly movies together. It was kind of a zoo between their family and ours. We have kids about the same age. Lots of noise and action. Jonathon dumped a whole bowl of popcorn and got chocolate all over the couch. Luckily, we stain-proofed the furniture when we bought it so it wiped right off. I'm surprised we have any hearing left after our babies decided to see who could reach the highest decibel level--several times. They weren't even upset. They seemed to be doing it just because they could. Lol! Still, we had a good time and ate way too much!

That's all folks . . .

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