Watching Invictus with the family. I think you have to get Rugby to love this movie--or maybe pay better attention than I have been. I actually have both babies in bed already. They've been in bed for nearly an hour, too. That's progress. That's amazing!
Rob and I neither one have felt well the last couple of days so it's nice to have them down a bit earlier so we can get some rest. Hopefully, we will start feeling better.
Grandma and Grandpa went out to eat with the McCammacks today and said their goodbyes. They will be taking off for home in the morning. Carly started crying when they told her they were leaving. She doesn't like anyone to leave her. It isn't allowed. She gave them both big hugs. Hopefully, they will come back again some time to see all of us.
We ordered pizza for dinner. It was much too hot to cook and I was too tired to think about it. That worked out well. Now we have leftovers for lunch, too. It's the small things that bring us joy, eh?
See, I told you there wasn't much to blog about but I did anyway--and you read all the way to the end anyway, didn't you? You are a very loyal person! :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
That's what it is--HOT! It's time to stay indoors here as long as you have air conditioning. I guess we have a cold front coming but it sure hasn't gotten here yet.
We went to lunch with a long lost cousin today. That was fun. Then we all came home and took naps. That was even more fun. Of course, I've been dealing with a migraine for 2 days so the nap felt pretty darn good. Rob came home from work today with a flu of some sort. He hardly ever gets sick but he was not doing well at all.
The McCammacks came by tonight to visit. They are leaving in a couple of days. I think they have had a really good time seeing the sights but I'm sure they are getting a little homesick. I know I would be.
Well, not much else to tell. Til tomorrow.
We went to lunch with a long lost cousin today. That was fun. Then we all came home and took naps. That was even more fun. Of course, I've been dealing with a migraine for 2 days so the nap felt pretty darn good. Rob came home from work today with a flu of some sort. He hardly ever gets sick but he was not doing well at all.
The McCammacks came by tonight to visit. They are leaving in a couple of days. I think they have had a really good time seeing the sights but I'm sure they are getting a little homesick. I know I would be.
Well, not much else to tell. Til tomorrow.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
We had a lovely Sunday. Off to Church where Carly was excited to go to nursery. Came home and had a quick lunch and then a wonderful nap while dinner continued to cook in the crockpot! I had put a roast in there early this morning. I talked Julie into making homemade buns. It was her first excursion into yeast bread but she did a great job! Anyway, we had French dip sandwiches for dinner and they were fabulous!
We just hung out and read books to the kids, watched TV and didn't do a whole lot else the rest of the night. I don't even think the phone rang. It was really a slow Sunday. I just got junior to sleep so think I will head that way myself. Night all. :)
We just hung out and read books to the kids, watched TV and didn't do a whole lot else the rest of the night. I don't even think the phone rang. It was really a slow Sunday. I just got junior to sleep so think I will head that way myself. Night all. :)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
It's time to do a big rain dance! We finished our flower beds and gardens today and they look fantabulous! I didn't get any pictures because it was near dark when we finished but I will try to take some tomorrow. Wow, what a project! We are getting lots of comments on how nice they look, though. My mom deserves the most credit--even though my Dad is the architect, my mom did the hardest work. The ground out here is so hard and full of rocks that it has been a real tough project to get the dirt ready to plant anything. Lots of blood, sweat and tears went into making these gardens look nice. Thanks Dad and Mom (and Julie!)
I did something fun today with Rob and his brother Steve. We went shooting. The last time I shot a gun I was 18 years old--so it's been like 20 years. Lol! OK, just kidding. It's been a lot longer than that. Anyway, we went target shooting and I actually didn't do that bad. I'm not saying I'm going into police work anytime soon but I managed to at least hit somewhere on the target once in a while. Lol! I do think I may be a little sore tomorrow from the "kick" of the guns. It definitely won't be an everyday activity.
On the way home, we stopped and bought a kid's sprinkler we could let Carly play in. I sprayed the hose the other night in a way that she could run through it like a sprinkler and she loved it. So, I thought I would get her one of those sprinklers she could run through and play in. Sure enough, she loved it! She didn't want the fun to stop! But, bedtime always comes--just like now. It's time. Catch you tomorrow. N.
I did something fun today with Rob and his brother Steve. We went shooting. The last time I shot a gun I was 18 years old--so it's been like 20 years. Lol! OK, just kidding. It's been a lot longer than that. Anyway, we went target shooting and I actually didn't do that bad. I'm not saying I'm going into police work anytime soon but I managed to at least hit somewhere on the target once in a while. Lol! I do think I may be a little sore tomorrow from the "kick" of the guns. It definitely won't be an everyday activity.
On the way home, we stopped and bought a kid's sprinkler we could let Carly play in. I sprayed the hose the other night in a way that she could run through it like a sprinkler and she loved it. So, I thought I would get her one of those sprinklers she could run through and play in. Sure enough, she loved it! She didn't want the fun to stop! But, bedtime always comes--just like now. It's time. Catch you tomorrow. N.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Wow! Today was hot! The kind of hot that makes you want to take a nap. And so, I did. The last few days have been like that. Seems like it's all or nothing here. So cold it's snowing or so hot you're melting. It's June, for goodness sakes! We are not in February or August! Where is our decent weather?
Rob got to come home tonight. He was stuck in Nevada overnight on a call. Hate it when that happens. He's had a long few weeks--working lots of long hours. We were all glad to see him when he walked in the door tonight. Jonathon even looked up and said "Da Da!" It was so cute.
We finally got our vegetable garden planted at the beginning of the week. Can't remember if I told you that already or not. It's a good thing, too because we were right at the end of planting season. Of course, it's a good thing we hadn't planted early either. Lots of people had to re-plant because of all the cold weather. Their gardens got frozen out. Hopefully we didn't get ours in too late though to have some good veggies come up.
Well, nothing new going on here. That's it for today. Have a great weekend.
Rob got to come home tonight. He was stuck in Nevada overnight on a call. Hate it when that happens. He's had a long few weeks--working lots of long hours. We were all glad to see him when he walked in the door tonight. Jonathon even looked up and said "Da Da!" It was so cute.
We finally got our vegetable garden planted at the beginning of the week. Can't remember if I told you that already or not. It's a good thing, too because we were right at the end of planting season. Of course, it's a good thing we hadn't planted early either. Lots of people had to re-plant because of all the cold weather. Their gardens got frozen out. Hopefully we didn't get ours in too late though to have some good veggies come up.
Well, nothing new going on here. That's it for today. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, June 24, 2010

You know, even when he told me I had to have him remind me what Rumpelstiltskin's story was all about. And to tell you the truth, I'm still a little fuzzy on it. I guess I will have to go read it again--maybe this time to my kids. In the meantime, I'm going to make like Rip Van Winkle for several hours . . .
Oh yah, why are you seeing this picture again? Because I don't know how to fix the title without reposting it again. Otherwise I would have been really sly and never admitted my mistake publicly! Lol!
Original Post
Jonathon fell asleep just crawling across the floor the other night so Julie stuck a pillow under his head and covered him with his blanket. What a cutie. Such a tired boy!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Today (Wednesday) is my friend Robin's birthday. I took her to lunch to one of our favorite restaurants, Cafe Rio! It was so good and we managed to sneak off by ourselves sans our little ones. No matter, we weren't gone long! Isn't this a cute picture? Ellie is on the left--she is Robin's little girl, Jon on the right. This is from a few months ago. I can't believe how much they have both changed! Wow!
It's been a good day. It was 96 degrees around 5:00 p.m. and tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter. Yikes. Here's to air conditioning, swimming pools, cool breezes and popcicles! Have a beautiful day tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Julie and I had Galvanic spa treatments this morning. A friend came to the house to show us this new technology. It's a sort of anti-aging system--so to speak. It was interesting and I'm sure we each look at least ten years younger. Unfortunately, Julie now looks only 6 years old, while I look a marvelous 26! Lol!
Early afternoon, Mom, Dad and I headed out to vote. It was a Primary Election Day here. Only a couple of races on the ballot but we made sure we got our votes in and counted.
Tonight when Rob got home I went with him to vote and then we headed off to Home Depot and got some neat rock to do a border around one section of the flower beds. Rob is really talented at building things. No sooner had we gotten home than it seemed he had it together. He still has to add some mortar to it but it looks great. When we have it all finished I will post pictures.
Well, goodnight all.
Early afternoon, Mom, Dad and I headed out to vote. It was a Primary Election Day here. Only a couple of races on the ballot but we made sure we got our votes in and counted.
Tonight when Rob got home I went with him to vote and then we headed off to Home Depot and got some neat rock to do a border around one section of the flower beds. Rob is really talented at building things. No sooner had we gotten home than it seemed he had it together. He still has to add some mortar to it but it looks great. When we have it all finished I will post pictures.
Well, goodnight all.
Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there! It's been a really nice day here. It's the first time in a long time I got to spend it with my Dad. And it's the first Father's Day Rob has had a son to share it with! That's pretty cool--not to mention his five nifty daughters. However, only three of them could be here today. Those were still pretty good odds.
The girls and I made homemade Lasagne for dinner for our guys. We also made a really nice salad and had french bread, watermelon and a delicious chocolate cake. (You're hungry now, aren't you? Go on, go get a sandwich and come back. I'll wait for you.)
Well, you'll never believe it but Jonathon actually slept through the night last night. Yep, it only took three nights in his own room. I told Rob he isn't allowed to say I told you so or I'll smack him. Hopefully, it wasn't a fluke and we've broken our young buck of his need to get up several times a night to be fed. I'm already feeling more rested just at the mere thought that I am going to begin getting to sleep through the night! Yay for Mommy!
Well, I need to head to bed myself--so let me just say Happy Father's Day to the two best Fathers I know--My Dad and my Husband. I love you guys.
The girls and I made homemade Lasagne for dinner for our guys. We also made a really nice salad and had french bread, watermelon and a delicious chocolate cake. (You're hungry now, aren't you? Go on, go get a sandwich and come back. I'll wait for you.)
Well, you'll never believe it but Jonathon actually slept through the night last night. Yep, it only took three nights in his own room. I told Rob he isn't allowed to say I told you so or I'll smack him. Hopefully, it wasn't a fluke and we've broken our young buck of his need to get up several times a night to be fed. I'm already feeling more rested just at the mere thought that I am going to begin getting to sleep through the night! Yay for Mommy!
Well, I need to head to bed myself--so let me just say Happy Father's Day to the two best Fathers I know--My Dad and my Husband. I love you guys.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Jonathon spent his first night alone in his own room. He only woke up once that I know of. I heard him on the monitor about 4 a.m. and after a few minutes of him crying I took a bottle in to him. He was crying really hard and wouldn't take the bottle. He just wanted to be held and comforted. I felt really bad. It took about five minutes of just holding and rocking him to calm him enough to get him to take the bottle. Then he drank it straight down and went back to sleep as I rocked him. When he was sound asleep I put him back to bed. He started to cry a little as I left the room but since I knew he wasn't hungry I went back to bed and listened on the baby monitor. Poor baby and poor Mama. This is hard on us.
Today we had a playdate at Robin's and Isaac's. Robin is my friend. Isaac is Carly's friend. We went over for lunch and play. Actually, Julie, Megan, Carly and Jonathon came too and Robin fed us all. Then the kids played and had fun. When we finished we came home and put the kids down for a nap and then went out to garden a bit.
Grandpa and Grandma were out gardening when we returned so we jumped right in. We are getting really close to having the front yard done. It is looking so nice. Tomorrow we have a bit more planting to do in front and we need to get the vegetables for the veggie garden in the back. We are really late getting the veggie garden started but it has been such rainy, snowy, cold weather here we haven't had a lot of choice. Hopefully, we will get it bought and planted tomorrow. That's the goal!
Well, that's pretty much all the excitement for today. Maybe tomorrow I will take some pictures. Lucky you! Lol!
Today we had a playdate at Robin's and Isaac's. Robin is my friend. Isaac is Carly's friend. We went over for lunch and play. Actually, Julie, Megan, Carly and Jonathon came too and Robin fed us all. Then the kids played and had fun. When we finished we came home and put the kids down for a nap and then went out to garden a bit.
Grandpa and Grandma were out gardening when we returned so we jumped right in. We are getting really close to having the front yard done. It is looking so nice. Tomorrow we have a bit more planting to do in front and we need to get the vegetables for the veggie garden in the back. We are really late getting the veggie garden started but it has been such rainy, snowy, cold weather here we haven't had a lot of choice. Hopefully, we will get it bought and planted tomorrow. That's the goal!
Well, that's pretty much all the excitement for today. Maybe tomorrow I will take some pictures. Lucky you! Lol!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wow, I had to look at the calendar just now to see what day it was. Who knew it was Thursday already? Certainly not me! This week went by quickly! At least it did for me.
Grandpa had a check-up with his regular doctor today. When he got home I asked him what the doctor said and he told me, "She likes me." "Duh," I said. I had to wait for Grandma to get the real story which was pretty simple. Grandpa is doing fine. The doc was impressed with how well he is doing--and truthfully (this is me speaking now) she does like him. He makes her laugh.
The weather straightened itself up today and got really nice outside. It was a gorgeous sunshiney day! Of course, I didn't go out into it until evening but it was still really nice tonight.
I walked ten miles on my treadmill today after I made the mistake of getting on my scales this morning and finding I was two pounds heavier than yesterday! Does that sound a little obsessive? Okay, a lot? Yah, I know. But I'm having some of those days when no matter what you do you can't seem to lose weight. In fact, you wake up and you are two or three pounds heavier than the day before even though you didn't eat enough calories for that to happen. It is so frustrating! I just thought I needed to do something to shake my body up a little. I'm hoping ten miles is shaky enough.
When that happens to Rob he just waits a day or two and re-weighs himself and the weight is gone. He doesn't have to exercise or eat differently. What would that be like? I want a metabolism like that!
Well, tonight is the night. Rob moved Jonathon's crib out of our bedroom this afternoon. I don't know who this is going to be harder on--Mommy or son. I know it will make it so much better and easier when he learns to sleep through the night on his own. It's just that having him in another room and all is going to be both good and bad when he crys and I am not there to soothe him. He is going to be really sad and that makes me sad. I guess this is all part of growing up. Well, wish us luck. I think we are going to need it. Tomorrow is a new day--and apparently it's FRIDAY! :} Have a terrific Friday everyone!
Grandpa had a check-up with his regular doctor today. When he got home I asked him what the doctor said and he told me, "She likes me." "Duh," I said. I had to wait for Grandma to get the real story which was pretty simple. Grandpa is doing fine. The doc was impressed with how well he is doing--and truthfully (this is me speaking now) she does like him. He makes her laugh.
The weather straightened itself up today and got really nice outside. It was a gorgeous sunshiney day! Of course, I didn't go out into it until evening but it was still really nice tonight.
I walked ten miles on my treadmill today after I made the mistake of getting on my scales this morning and finding I was two pounds heavier than yesterday! Does that sound a little obsessive? Okay, a lot? Yah, I know. But I'm having some of those days when no matter what you do you can't seem to lose weight. In fact, you wake up and you are two or three pounds heavier than the day before even though you didn't eat enough calories for that to happen. It is so frustrating! I just thought I needed to do something to shake my body up a little. I'm hoping ten miles is shaky enough.
When that happens to Rob he just waits a day or two and re-weighs himself and the weight is gone. He doesn't have to exercise or eat differently. What would that be like? I want a metabolism like that!
Well, tonight is the night. Rob moved Jonathon's crib out of our bedroom this afternoon. I don't know who this is going to be harder on--Mommy or son. I know it will make it so much better and easier when he learns to sleep through the night on his own. It's just that having him in another room and all is going to be both good and bad when he crys and I am not there to soothe him. He is going to be really sad and that makes me sad. I guess this is all part of growing up. Well, wish us luck. I think we are going to need it. Tomorrow is a new day--and apparently it's FRIDAY! :} Have a terrific Friday everyone!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
We've nearly been blown away today. We've had heavy winds all day gusting at times up to 74 mph. It's been kind of crazy because we did some work outside so we really got to feel exactly how windy it was. It even blew a semi-trailer over on the freeway. It also got really cold about 4:00 p.m. I think the wind is supposed to continue through the night and part of tomorrow with a little rain before it subsides. This has been the wierdest June I can remember.
Carly got to go to her first birthday party today. (At least it's the first one I remember her going to.) It was her best friend Isaac's 4th birthday. Yes, she loves an older man. I'm hoping she will grow out of it. Lol! Anyway, she had lots of fun and as always was sad when it came time to go home. My baby girl loves to go bye-bye!
I am having a horrible time keeping Jonathon out of the dog's dishes. First it was the dog food. Now, it's the dog's water. I remember with Carly--she used to dump the dogs water all the time. I am determined not to go through that again. Bubby is just at the "splashing his hands in the water" stage right now. I don't know what the fascination is unless it's just the fact that it is down on their level. Grrrrrr.
Well, not much going on here. Just hoping to stay put amidst all these winds. Till tomorrow--I'm just hanging on tight!
Carly got to go to her first birthday party today. (At least it's the first one I remember her going to.) It was her best friend Isaac's 4th birthday. Yes, she loves an older man. I'm hoping she will grow out of it. Lol! Anyway, she had lots of fun and as always was sad when it came time to go home. My baby girl loves to go bye-bye!
I am having a horrible time keeping Jonathon out of the dog's dishes. First it was the dog food. Now, it's the dog's water. I remember with Carly--she used to dump the dogs water all the time. I am determined not to go through that again. Bubby is just at the "splashing his hands in the water" stage right now. I don't know what the fascination is unless it's just the fact that it is down on their level. Grrrrrr.
Well, not much going on here. Just hoping to stay put amidst all these winds. Till tomorrow--I'm just hanging on tight!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010
Today is Susan's birthday. She is my OLDER sister. O.K. but not by very much and she doesn't let me forget that either! Mom and Dad went down and took Susan and her family to dinner. Sounds like everyone had a good time except maybe Alyssa, Susan's oldest who had just had her wisdom teeth out. Anyway, Happy Birthday Susan! We love you! Hope you had a terrific day!
The sun came out again today after a week of rain. We may actually get to finish planting our flowers tomorrow. The one's we've already planted look really good but we've had several flats sitting in the garage since the rain started and have just been keeping them watered until we can plant them outside.
I think the pollen count is really high right now. At least that's what my nose and eyes are telling me. I sure have noticed it the last several days. I guess the rain really kicks it up into the air. Whatever the reason, let me tell you it's just no fun!
We had some friends over tonight and watched some family friendly movies together. It was kind of a zoo between their family and ours. We have kids about the same age. Lots of noise and action. Jonathon dumped a whole bowl of popcorn and got chocolate all over the couch. Luckily, we stain-proofed the furniture when we bought it so it wiped right off. I'm surprised we have any hearing left after our babies decided to see who could reach the highest decibel level--several times. They weren't even upset. They seemed to be doing it just because they could. Lol! Still, we had a good time and ate way too much!
That's all folks . . .
The sun came out again today after a week of rain. We may actually get to finish planting our flowers tomorrow. The one's we've already planted look really good but we've had several flats sitting in the garage since the rain started and have just been keeping them watered until we can plant them outside.
I think the pollen count is really high right now. At least that's what my nose and eyes are telling me. I sure have noticed it the last several days. I guess the rain really kicks it up into the air. Whatever the reason, let me tell you it's just no fun!
We had some friends over tonight and watched some family friendly movies together. It was kind of a zoo between their family and ours. We have kids about the same age. Lots of noise and action. Jonathon dumped a whole bowl of popcorn and got chocolate all over the couch. Luckily, we stain-proofed the furniture when we bought it so it wiped right off. I'm surprised we have any hearing left after our babies decided to see who could reach the highest decibel level--several times. They weren't even upset. They seemed to be doing it just because they could. Lol! Still, we had a good time and ate way too much!
That's all folks . . .
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Grandma and Grandpa have been all over the state today with Richard and Nancy. They finally came home tonight around nine. They have been staying about an hour from home in the same hotel the McCammack's were staying in for the past two days and they would take off sight-seeing from there. I think they all had a good time and got to see lot's of neat things. It's been great to have some GC friends in the neighborhood.
Today was really a slow Sunday. I blame Jonathon. Probably because he didn't let me go to sleep until 3:00 a.m. and then got me up a few times in the night for a bottle. That meant I didn't feel like getting up and going to church but instead slept most of the day away. I hate it when I do that but it's about the only way to catch up and have any energy for the week.
Steve, Emily and the kids came over tonight and played games and made fudge. Megan and I stayed upstairs and watched a scary episode of Medium I had DVR'd. Other than that it was just a lazy old day. I wish I had something exciting to report but alas, I'm fresh out of exciting news. So, just like Jonathon . . . think I will crawl toward my bed and hopefully fall asleep mid-crawl! Lol! Til tomorrow . . .
Today was really a slow Sunday. I blame Jonathon. Probably because he didn't let me go to sleep until 3:00 a.m. and then got me up a few times in the night for a bottle. That meant I didn't feel like getting up and going to church but instead slept most of the day away. I hate it when I do that but it's about the only way to catch up and have any energy for the week.
Steve, Emily and the kids came over tonight and played games and made fudge. Megan and I stayed upstairs and watched a scary episode of Medium I had DVR'd. Other than that it was just a lazy old day. I wish I had something exciting to report but alas, I'm fresh out of exciting news. So, just like Jonathon . . . think I will crawl toward my bed and hopefully fall asleep mid-crawl! Lol! Til tomorrow . . .

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Richard and Nancy have! What's your excuse? We had a great time tonight with Grandma and Grandpa and the McCammacks. We had dinner and then just hung out and talked. Great company and good food are always a good recipe. You are all invited. Y'all come by now!

Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I decided to walk on the treadmill this afternoon so I took a late shower. I was still doing my hair and makeup when I realized it was getting close to time to start dinner. Since I wasn't quite finished getting ready I left my curlers and curler picks out so I could finish afterward.
Dinner was pretty close to ready when I heard Carly say something several times about "doing her own hair." I fixing my hair, Mama. Doing my hair, Mama by myself. My hair pretty Mama" When I finally got a look at her it was pretty funny. Her hair is pulled into puffs ( or ponytails) right now so she couldn't get the rollers in. I guess this is the best she could do. She watches me do my hair with hot rollers every day. I guess this is her interpretation of it. Not too shabby--just pretty darn funny!
Dinner was pretty close to ready when I heard Carly say something several times about "doing her own hair." I fixing my hair, Mama. Doing my hair, Mama by myself. My hair pretty Mama" When I finally got a look at her it was pretty funny. Her hair is pulled into puffs ( or ponytails) right now so she couldn't get the rollers in. I guess this is the best she could do. She watches me do my hair with hot rollers every day. I guess this is her interpretation of it. Not too shabby--just pretty darn funny!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
So as part of our Anniversary adventure we went to a weekend getaway that had a rope's course and a guest speaker for couples. We did crazy things like climb tall trees blindfolded and jump off to try to catch hold of a large black ring. (I refused the blindfold. It was a little much for me.) Although, Rob did do it blindfolded. I was really impressed and frightened at the same time. This little video is of me jumping after I had gotten to the top. Even though I was belayed it was still pretty scary. More later. Nancy
Monday, June 7, 2010
My blogger is being stupid again. I had a couple of cool videos to post from our trip and it won't let me put them on right now. I will have to try and figure them out later, I guess because it's after midnight now and I've tried for over a half an hour.
We got up slowly this morning at our hotel and then went to eat lunch at a really good Chinese restaurant we don't get to very often. Then we came home. The kids were glad to see us and I'm pretty sure even Grandma and Grandpa were glad we came home. They were sitting outside planting some gorgeous flowers when we pulled in. They had been mighty busy from the looks of things so we jumped in and helped. It's really starting to look nice around here.
We are hearing that Harold Barnett is having some heart problems similar to what Dad had. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers everyone. I'm sure this is a stressful time for all of them.
Well, that's all I know for now. Good night all. Love ya, Nancy
We got up slowly this morning at our hotel and then went to eat lunch at a really good Chinese restaurant we don't get to very often. Then we came home. The kids were glad to see us and I'm pretty sure even Grandma and Grandpa were glad we came home. They were sitting outside planting some gorgeous flowers when we pulled in. They had been mighty busy from the looks of things so we jumped in and helped. It's really starting to look nice around here.
We are hearing that Harold Barnett is having some heart problems similar to what Dad had. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers everyone. I'm sure this is a stressful time for all of them.
Well, that's all I know for now. Good night all. Love ya, Nancy
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday, we went to a Ropes Course retreat for couples. It was great fun. We went canoeing together on a beautiful river. Then we got to do some exciting activities, and in the evening we had a guest speaker come talk to us about relationships. It was really good. Then we stayed at the same hotel where we spent a couple of our honeymoon nights before we left on our cruise. It's been a nice, relaxing weekend and we have really enjoyed it.
Funny story. I didn't blog last night because when we got back from the retreat we were pretty worn out. We decided that we would take a couple hour nap--even though it was 7 pm. We thought we would nap and then get up and watch a late movie together. Well, we fell asleep and didn't wake up until 2:15 a.m.. Yah, so we looked at each other and said, "Let's just go to bed." No movie. No blogging. I can't remember what the suggested gift is for the fifth anniversary--you know how they have a list of what each anniversary is and gold is the fiftieth. Well, I'm changing whatever the fifth is to Sleep. At least in our case it seems appropriate with a two year old and a nine month old who doesn't sleep through the night yet!
Here's a few more pictures from our retreat. Tomorrow I will make it even more interesting. Night all.
Rob climbing a tree blind folded with only my instructions Yikes!
Rob canoeing
Nancy canoeing (We were in the same canoe.)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Julie's last day of school was today. Yay for Summer break! It will be so nice to have two more hands around the house for the next few months. Rob has been working another long day. It's 10:30 p.m. as I'm writing this and he's still not done. He has the next several days off though. Our fifth wedding anniversary is on Sunday so he has Monday and Tuesday off and we are going to do a little celebrating. We have some fun plans and he can have a nice long, non-working weekend!
We spent 5 or 6 hours on the flower beds today and made a ton of progress. Although, we still have a bunch more to do. Wow, I really dislike gardening. Don't get me wrong. I love the outcome, but I don't like the process at all. If it were just planting or a little bit of weeding, I could handle that but this having to get the hard dirt softened is too much! It's the kind of hard labor I picture prisoners in labor camps having to do for the rest of their lives. Okay, I'm exaggerating a little--but only a little. Ye Gads!
Well, I was going to go on but Jonathon just woke up and he's telling me off so I'd better go pick him up. More later. :}
We spent 5 or 6 hours on the flower beds today and made a ton of progress. Although, we still have a bunch more to do. Wow, I really dislike gardening. Don't get me wrong. I love the outcome, but I don't like the process at all. If it were just planting or a little bit of weeding, I could handle that but this having to get the hard dirt softened is too much! It's the kind of hard labor I picture prisoners in labor camps having to do for the rest of their lives. Okay, I'm exaggerating a little--but only a little. Ye Gads!
Well, I was going to go on but Jonathon just woke up and he's telling me off so I'd better go pick him up. More later. :}
Thursday, June 3, 2010
I remembered why I don't like gardening today. We pounded at the hard dirt in our flower beds for about 3 hours today and made about four feet of progress. Mom, Julie and I took shovels and hoes to the dirt and tried to break it up as much as possible and smooth it out so we could add peat moss to it. It took us nearly the whole three hours to go four feet. But we did get that four feet planted with Zinnias and Alyssum. It looks really nice. If only there wasn't so much more to go. Yikes!
Carly came out and wanted to help but she had to stay on the porch and help Grandpa direct the project. She wasn't very happy with that. She wanted to play in the dirt instead. No dice. We had lots of complaints from the peanut gallery but we managed to stave them off. We finally had to get her some sidewalk chalk and let her draw on the steps to keep her from driving us and Grandpa crazy. (You know it's not very far in either case!) Anyway, we were having enough trouble with the dirt we didn't need a two year old in the middle of it!
Well, that was all there was to our day. Not much else got done--not even the laundry I started. Oh, don't remind me . . .
Carly came out and wanted to help but she had to stay on the porch and help Grandpa direct the project. She wasn't very happy with that. She wanted to play in the dirt instead. No dice. We had lots of complaints from the peanut gallery but we managed to stave them off. We finally had to get her some sidewalk chalk and let her draw on the steps to keep her from driving us and Grandpa crazy. (You know it's not very far in either case!) Anyway, we were having enough trouble with the dirt we didn't need a two year old in the middle of it!
Well, that was all there was to our day. Not much else got done--not even the laundry I started. Oh, don't remind me . . .
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Not really! I went with Dad and Mom today and we picked out some really pretty flowers to plant in the beds. We came home and Dad drew up a design for them. Now I just have to get some peat moss and get it worked into the dirt and then I can get the flowers planted. I'm so excited to have nice looking flower beds. Probably not near as excited as my neighbors will be, though! :}
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
It rained off and on all day today so I wasn't able to finish my weed work. I still have a little to do on the side of the house. I think Dad is anxious to get some flowers planted. I would love to have the yard looking nice, too. It's nice to have someone around who knows what they are doing because I certainly don't! I love flowers but I have just never had a green thumb and I have also never enjoyed working in the yard. Wish I did.
Jonathon, even at nine months, still doesn't sleep through the night. Don't know what I'm going to do with that boy. Keep hoping he will surprise me and do it. But he hasn't yet. He also doesn't usually go to sleep until really late. Sure makes for one tired Momma. I did get him to sleep about twenty minutes ago--so, about 12:30 a.m. Hopefully, he will sleep most of the night.
Think I'd better finish and get in bed so I can get some rest too. No real news here. More later. N.
Jonathon, even at nine months, still doesn't sleep through the night. Don't know what I'm going to do with that boy. Keep hoping he will surprise me and do it. But he hasn't yet. He also doesn't usually go to sleep until really late. Sure makes for one tired Momma. I did get him to sleep about twenty minutes ago--so, about 12:30 a.m. Hopefully, he will sleep most of the night.
Think I'd better finish and get in bed so I can get some rest too. No real news here. More later. N.
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