Saturday, September 19, 2009


After a long night Julie watched the little ones for us this morning and let us sleep in until noon! Then we got some things done around the house and had a fun barbecue with one of our neighbors. We ate too much, played Rockband, had dessert, talked and laughed and just had fun together. It was a nice evening. We have babies and toddlers both within a couple of months of each other and teenagers near the same age, too. Since our toddlers and babies are both of the opposite sex we have decided to arrange marriages between them. It just takes the worry out of the whole teenage/dating process later--don't ya think? Ya, that's what we thought, too! :}
It's been a fun day!

Oh yah, except for the part where we went to get Carly up for dinner and found her half naked in her bed. (You don't have to ask--you know which half--and she was covered in her own . . . Well, you know that, too . . . the clean up was a gas!

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