Today I was going through some of Carly's old clothes to loan to a friend who just had a little girl. As I was going through her drawers and closet Carly pulled out a few things she decided she needed to wear. Now mind you, she was already dressed for the day in a t-shirt and pair of shorts. Well, she insisted that I help her put a jumper on over her t-shirt and shorts--not that it matched--it didn't. Then she came out wearing this multi-colored polka-dotted sun hat. A few other items came and went but these items were the constants.
I decided it was so funny I was going to take a picture. That's when Carly decided to lose the hat. I guess she realized posterity was a long time to be caught in that getup! I could coax her to put the hat back on but everytime I grabbed the camera she would take it off--that is until Julie and I agreed to wear it for the camera, too. So here is our little fashion show so we could show you our little
"Fashion Plate!"Look Carly, Julie's wearing the sunhat and it's so cool!

Hey there Baby Girl, It's Mommy and I'm wearing this season's ever so hot multi-dotted cap. Won't you try it?

C'mon Cutie Pie, You can do it! Just like before and sister will help you. Alrighty?

Well, If you insist! Here I am in my very own, handpicked, super-sassy wardrobe! Check it!