Let's see--where to begin. We had a terrific time with family. It was WAY TOO SHORT! We had a small cousins reunion. I say small because not everyone was able to make it but those of us who were had a good time. I will post some pictures of it later.
Tonight I have to show you the coolest thing in the world--at least to me. My grandmother was a seamstress. She could sew anything and she didn't even need a pattern. Anyway, I was packing up a lot of my parents things and my mom came across some of the clothes she had worn as an infant and toddler that her mom had made for her. A little hat she had knitted, a glove and a top she made. As I was carefully repacking these items I got to looking at the little top. It was in perfect condition with the exception that it needed it's button sewn back on and the button was with it. Other than that it looked brand new. Julie sewed the button back on and I had a thought. It was made for a toddler. My mom had worn it when she was about Carly's age. I mentioned it to my Mom and she gave me the go ahead. So, we tried it on Carly and it looked adorable.
I won't tell you my Mom's age--but here we have a grandmother and a granddaughter who both wore the same shirt as toddlers. For one it was made by her mother--for the other it was made by a great grandmother she will never meet in this life.
Well, when I got it on her it was more than I could take in and the tears started to come. I loved and adored my grandmother and I still really miss her. To see my little daughter in something she sewed that had been so well preserved was like having her there holding and rocking my daughter--something I would have given the world to have happen. She loved all of us kids so much and I know she would have adored mine, too. I'm sad she didn't get to meet them but I know she sees them now and approves. I love you Grandma.
O.K. well, I said I wouldn't tell you my mom's age and I won't, but I'm going to post some pictures of Carly modeling this top my Grandma made-and I have to give you a little bit of an idea of its age just because it is so amazing how well kept it is. The top is more than 60 years old. Can you believe that? It really is a treasure. Well, here's a peek!

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