Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Digital Photos-Aren't They Great!?

Arrrrgggghhh!! I do have to say I am much better at taking pictures now that I have a digital camera and I love that I can post pictures online and that I am totally capable of doing it myself. But just ask me if I have ever gotten even one picture made from a digital camera? The answer to that is a big, fat NOPE! Plus, it just seems like too much trouble. I mean I know I can just take the little doo-hickey and have them quickly run off but if I want nice pictures done I have to transfer the to some other doo-hickey or a CD or send them off to some online service and all that just seems so complicated! Someone help! I just want to hold my cute pictures in my hands or put thm in a scrapbook. Why does it have to be so complicated? Am I making it harder than it is? Ye-Gads. I must be doing something wrong. It just seems too darn hard!


Anonymous said...

It's super easy, Nancy! If you've already put the pictures on your computer, the battle is half way over. Just login to Costco.com or mpix.com, select the pictures you want, and hit order. (Ok, there may be a few more steps along the way, but not many.) You don't have to keep them on your memory card or anything - just do it from your computer! Good luck!

Shelli Sivert said...

Nancy, I used to feel the same way but now I just go to Walmart.com. You have to set up an account which takes about 3 minutes. Then put the photos in your account there and order the photos and sizes you want. Then whenever I go to Walmart I just pick them up. (Or you can have them mailed to you.) It's probably similar to what "anonymous" does. Shelli