I'm usually behind the camera so it's fun to have a picture of me with my gorgeous little girl to show off to you.
We had a fun but busy day today. We woke up early and walked a 5K as a family. We had Rob and me, three of our girls and a son and law. It was fun. Although, it really didn't end up being a 5K--more like an 2 1/2 or 3K. Megan got blisters on her heals really bad and I had shin splints from being on the treadmill earlier in the week. Poor Rob wore himself out yesterday between golf and softball and well, Carly pretty much was fine as she slept through the whole thing in her stroller. Julie was just hot--but needless to say we took a shortcut and made it to the ward breakfast just a little later than those who ran the 5K. Not bad for cheaters, eh? I'll post a picture of our gang tomorrow. It's actually on my camera--not my external drive and I need hubby's help to get it off. We are such a cute bunch. I'll bet you can't wait!
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