Thirteen Things About My Name
1. I'm the only one in my family not named after someone.
2. I once got in trouble for changing the way I spelled my first name.
3. My parents gave each of us names with 5 letters in the first name and four letters in the middle name.
4. My grandpa sat me on his lap and told me to always remember who I am, where my name came from and who I represent. I think that helped keep me out of trouble.
5. I never really liked my first name. I just didn't feel like it fit me or like it was cool.
6. I thought I should have been named Kathy instead and that was one of the names my parents considered.
7. I don't like the name "Kathy" anymore either--not so much.
8. I kind of wish I had been named after someone.
9. I do think my first and middle name go together nicely.
10. I looked my name up on Google and there are actually lots of me. (and I've accomplished some pretty remarkable things! :)
11. There weren't very many kids with my same name while I was growing up. Maybe that is one of the reasons I never thought it was cool.
12. My grandma gave me the nickname Nancypancy. So I guess she's responsible for the name of my blog. Her name was Nellie so I called her Nellybelly in return.
13. I've decided now it's okay to be named Nancy.
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Miss NANCY (which is a FINE name, by the way)-- I always wished I had a different name when I was growing up, too! I wanted to be Daphne, like the pretty girl on Scooby Doo! Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it! Have a blessed day.
CIAO SHARON.I don't speake Inglish
very well . Your beautiful family
A wish and a greeting
Io ho una figlia e due meravigliosi nipoti .ELEN.DAVID
I wasn't fond of my name either when I was younger but I've gotten used to it now. Happy TT.
Growing up I always thought I should have been a Rebecca or a Rachel. Kinda silly thinking back on it.
My biggest gripe is that I don't like dimunitive forms of my name at all, and it's hard to get people not to call me "Barb".
Sorry to be so late in stopping by. I love this blog! I, too, have had name issues, including changing the spelling of my name for about a year in middle school. It did NOT sit well with my parents. :)
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