I talked to a friend from high school today for about two hours. Wow, it was really great to catch up. It's funny how you can be gone from a friendship for many years and just pick it back up where you left off the next time you meet. Some friendships are just like that and it's so neat when your paths cross again in life.
Today was another challenging one. I guess there are a lot of those when you are raising a two and three year old at the same time. I guess I can't whine too loudly my Mom did it, plus one. And I am very grateful to have my Mom and Dad right here to help at times and for a very loving and patient husband who helps me when I am about to pull my hair out--(um, just the gray ones.) Seriously though, I adore my babies. They are just going through "the terrible twos" and "threes" right now and every once in awhile they give me a run for my money. And this week I feel like haven't trained well enough for the race. Lol!
Here's to tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I am almost certain Jono is in a growth spurt. Trouble is it is making him make me grumpy. That boy is into everything! He has more energy and ideas right now than ever before. If I even look away for a split second I am likely to find him on top of something tall and as near the ceiling as he can get. And if he's not doing his impersonation of Spiderman, I will find him with something breakable in his hand, a gleam in his eye and smile on his lips just daring me to come after him. (But I'm no longer that dumb. Lol!)
Oh no, I've learned my lesson! Much better to leave well enough alone, at least for a few minutes. I have to trick him into believing I don't care about what he has in his hands. He must believe I'm not coming near him or after the ill gotten gain.
So, I lull him into a sense of security by pointing out that cartoons are on and then I ignore him just long enough for his gaze to get locked onto Sponge Bob's impenetrable radar. Works every time. Then I slowly saunter over and make my move, rescuing whatever the kidnapped item may be.
Trust me. I've done it the other way only to have to play Jono's version of the game. It's called "Smash and Run." He thinks it's loads of fun. Mommy thinks it's costly both in clean up time and value. I much prefer my version. Gee I can't wait 'til this growth spurt is over!
Oh no, I've learned my lesson! Much better to leave well enough alone, at least for a few minutes. I have to trick him into believing I don't care about what he has in his hands. He must believe I'm not coming near him or after the ill gotten gain.
So, I lull him into a sense of security by pointing out that cartoons are on and then I ignore him just long enough for his gaze to get locked onto Sponge Bob's impenetrable radar. Works every time. Then I slowly saunter over and make my move, rescuing whatever the kidnapped item may be.
Trust me. I've done it the other way only to have to play Jono's version of the game. It's called "Smash and Run." He thinks it's loads of fun. Mommy thinks it's costly both in clean up time and value. I much prefer my version. Gee I can't wait 'til this growth spurt is over!
Monday, August 29, 2011
I got up this morning and thought I'd quickly run to the store and grab some fruit and a few other items we needed. I thought I could just take Carly and be back before Jonathon woke up. That was before the UPS person rang the doorbell and sounded the dog alarm which, of course, woke him up!
So, I headed to the store with two toddlers in tow. BIG MISTAKE. We barely got in the door and a fight broke out over which kiddie-car cart we were going to use. Turned out Jonathon wanted his own; he wasn't willing to share one with his sister even though the one I picked out had two driver's wheels. He didn't understand that Mommy couldn't drive two carts at once. I had to pick him up and forcibly try to pull him away from the car he was trying to get into and put him in with Carly. There was screaming and crying and all kinds of angst--and that was just my reaction! Kidding. Seriously though, he threw a major fit! MAJOR!
Oh, I was so frustrated and embarrassed. I knew people were thinking "Why can't this lady control her kid?! I finally had to call Rob and he had a "Father/Son chat" with Jono and that straightened him out for the moment. When Rob hung up Jono climbed right in the car with Carly and behaved -- for about twenty minutes. At that point he and Carly got into it and I had to start refereeing again. Somehow he got his seatbelt off and took off down the aisle and it was pretty much all over but the shouting. It was all I could do to get Jonathon, Carly and the cart to the checkout stand before I went into full meltdown stage. While I was paying Jonathon was climbing on top of the car. I thought I would die before I got out of the store.
You would think the day would have only gotten better from there, but no, that was just the beginning to a day of bad moods, big fights, raucous behavior and lots of Mommy refereeing! Gah! This Mommy needs a day off! Lol!
So, I headed to the store with two toddlers in tow. BIG MISTAKE. We barely got in the door and a fight broke out over which kiddie-car cart we were going to use. Turned out Jonathon wanted his own; he wasn't willing to share one with his sister even though the one I picked out had two driver's wheels. He didn't understand that Mommy couldn't drive two carts at once. I had to pick him up and forcibly try to pull him away from the car he was trying to get into and put him in with Carly. There was screaming and crying and all kinds of angst--and that was just my reaction! Kidding. Seriously though, he threw a major fit! MAJOR!
Oh, I was so frustrated and embarrassed. I knew people were thinking "Why can't this lady control her kid?! I finally had to call Rob and he had a "Father/Son chat" with Jono and that straightened him out for the moment. When Rob hung up Jono climbed right in the car with Carly and behaved -- for about twenty minutes. At that point he and Carly got into it and I had to start refereeing again. Somehow he got his seatbelt off and took off down the aisle and it was pretty much all over but the shouting. It was all I could do to get Jonathon, Carly and the cart to the checkout stand before I went into full meltdown stage. While I was paying Jonathon was climbing on top of the car. I thought I would die before I got out of the store.
You would think the day would have only gotten better from there, but no, that was just the beginning to a day of bad moods, big fights, raucous behavior and lots of Mommy refereeing! Gah! This Mommy needs a day off! Lol!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Church was good today. We made it through Sacrament meeting without any screaming meemies! Yay! Carly and I did have to leave once to powder our noses, though. That's code for: Her potty training is going EXCELLENT! (The potty part anyway.) We (the royal we) seem to be afraid of doing the other part on the potty. Hopefully, that will come soon.
There was no Sunday nap today (for the adults) and that is never a good thing. Although, we managed to stay chipper anyway. The kids got a few hours in so that made things bearable.
Grandpa was busy calling everyone he knew (not really) to check on them but we managed to get him to come upstairs for dinner. Rob watched a movie with the kids while I studied my Sunday school lesson for next week. Yes, I am now teaching adult Sunday School-Gospel Doctrine. Just a bit nervous about that--so I'm studying hard.
Well, that's about it for our Sunday. Hope yours was great!
There was no Sunday nap today (for the adults) and that is never a good thing. Although, we managed to stay chipper anyway. The kids got a few hours in so that made things bearable.
Grandpa was busy calling everyone he knew (not really) to check on them but we managed to get him to come upstairs for dinner. Rob watched a movie with the kids while I studied my Sunday school lesson for next week. Yes, I am now teaching adult Sunday School-Gospel Doctrine. Just a bit nervous about that--so I'm studying hard.
Well, that's about it for our Sunday. Hope yours was great!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Today we played "catch-up" with all the things we didn't get done during the week. Then we went grocery shopping, finished the lawn, let the kids play in the sprinklers and had BLT's made with "T's" from our very own garden! Yum! It got pretty hot today. Grandma said the thermometer on her van read 104 degrees when she ran some errands. It felt about that hot too. It's been pretty nasty hot here for the last few weeks. Ready for some September weather! :)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Just thought I'd share a few pictures from Jono's birthday bash! Still can't believe he's two already!
Waiting for my cake and cheesing it for the camera.
Getting ready to blow out my candles!
Trying out my new Moose Pillow Pet. I LOVE IT!
A CARS Computer! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!
Check out the popularity of the grandparent's gift! I think they win the prize for best present! Lol!
Have a great day!

Check out the popularity of the grandparent's gift! I think they win the prize for best present! Lol!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Jonathon had a great day! He played with friends in the morning. Watched a couple of fun kid movies, took a great nap and then had friends over again for cake, ice cream and presents! He was so cute. He actually opened each present, pulling off the paper and helping open the boxes or bags. He fell in love with each present and would start to play with it and we would have to coax him away from it to get him to open the next one. Needless to say he got pretty spoiled and really enjoyed being the birthday boy! Happy Birthday my big boy! I love you son. Mommy
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
My itty bitty preemie baby boy turns two tomorrow (Wednesday)and I can hardly believe it. He is full of spunk and spice and spirit and keeps our house whirling like a strong wind is hitting it 24/7. He is quite the little spitfire. It's hard to believe he came into our world at only 4 lbs 15 ounces and was such a calm, sweet, quiet baby. (Those were the days!)
I thought I would post a few pictures just to show how much he's changed since he was born. So grateful to have this little guy in our lives and part of our family. What a wonderful blessing to have him for a son. We love you Jono. Happy Birthday!
I was about to say "That's our boy! But as you can see, That's our little man!"
I thought I would post a few pictures just to show how much he's changed since he was born. So grateful to have this little guy in our lives and part of our family. What a wonderful blessing to have him for a son. We love you Jono. Happy Birthday!

I was about to say "That's our boy! But as you can see, That's our little man!"
Today was a long one for sure. Rob worked 15 hours. Julie went to school and had only an hour break between school and work. Then she worked until 10 p.m. I had the kids all day with the exception of having Mom and Dad watch Jonathon a couple of times while I ran errands. He is such a handful right now I might as well have left him for a week. I think that's about how bad he wore them out--the little stinker!
He turns two in two days and he sure is living up to the moniker that's been given to the two's. He is giving all of us a run for our money. It's a good thing he is a cutie pie.
If Dad calls any of you for the Alumni contest--give him money! It's a good cause and it will make him happy! Lol! :)
Night all.
He turns two in two days and he sure is living up to the moniker that's been given to the two's. He is giving all of us a run for our money. It's a good thing he is a cutie pie.
If Dad calls any of you for the Alumni contest--give him money! It's a good cause and it will make him happy! Lol! :)
Night all.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Today was Rob's birthday. We went to church and then came home and had a really nice dinner, then ice cream and cake, gifts and then collapse! Lol! Well, I think we wish we'd been able to collapse. There was still all the night-time baths and bedtime stories, etc. to get done. So, it's 10:45 and we are just now slowing down. It was kind of a low key day but I hope he had a nice birthday. I took him out to dinner last night and we had a nice time.
School starts in the morning. I can't believe summer is over and Julie's last year in high school begins. Of course, she can't believe it either. More so than me. Lol!
One funny for the day. I bought a watermelon yesterday and Carly noticed it this morning. She said, "I like watermelon Mom but I also like envelope." Hmmmm. Took me a second--but then I realized what she meant. I said, "Do you mean cantaloupe?" Carly: "Oh yah, I like cantaloupe Mom!" Hahaha! I love my little girl! She truly does say the darndest things!
Have a great day everyone!
School starts in the morning. I can't believe summer is over and Julie's last year in high school begins. Of course, she can't believe it either. More so than me. Lol!
One funny for the day. I bought a watermelon yesterday and Carly noticed it this morning. She said, "I like watermelon Mom but I also like envelope." Hmmmm. Took me a second--but then I realized what she meant. I said, "Do you mean cantaloupe?" Carly: "Oh yah, I like cantaloupe Mom!" Hahaha! I love my little girl! She truly does say the darndest things!
Have a great day everyone!
Friday, August 19, 2011
I was in my bedroom yesterday getting ready for my physical therapy appointment when Carly came in and with a really serious face said: "Momma, I got somethin' to say." I would have love to have seen the look on my face because that phrase coming from my three and a half year old's mouth took me by surprise. Since she looked really serious, I decided to follow suit. Equally seriously, I said, "O.K. honey, what is it?" At that moment she turned into the child I know again. She blurted out with tears attached, "Mommy I don't want you to go!" Yep, that's my little drama queen!
I told her I had to if I wanted to get my shoulder well and she continued to cry and beg me not to go. Finally, I offered a compromise. I suggested maybe she could go play at a friend's house while I was gone. Funny how fast those tears dried. Amazing.
My Girly Girl: The vocabulary is big, the drama is bigger, and the LOVE is HUGE!
I told her I had to if I wanted to get my shoulder well and she continued to cry and beg me not to go. Finally, I offered a compromise. I suggested maybe she could go play at a friend's house while I was gone. Funny how fast those tears dried. Amazing.
My Girly Girl: The vocabulary is big, the drama is bigger, and the LOVE is HUGE!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Julie and Rob both worked all day today. So, the kids and I hung out with Grandma and Grandpa. It was too hot to venture outside for anything unless you absolutely had to. Grandma did late in the day and she said the thermometer read 95 degrees. Heat wipes me out so I kept the kids busy inside most of the day. When it cooled down this evening they went out and played on the swingset and ran around in the yard awhile.
The most energetic we got all day was when Mom and I got on a cooking binge. We have been wanting to do freezer meals for awhile. There is a fad going around where groups get together or even just a Mom or two cook meals together to cook enough meals to have a months worth of meals frozen at a time so you are set for a month. We keep thinking we are going to do that but haven't had the get up and go to get it done. We decided though that we could accomplish something like that if we would just double our recipes. That way we can bake an evening meal and freeze one for another day. So today we both ended up in the kitchen at the same time with the same idea and got two meals in the freezer. We felt pretty darn productive.
Can't remember if I mentioned this or not but Julie goes back to school on Monday. That slid up on us really quickly! I'm going to miss her daily help. Not to mention she now has an after school job. Guess we are going to see a lot less of her. :(
My 3 1/2 year old just moved into size 10 little girls shoes. I think I may be raising BIG FOOT! Although, my parents raised one too. My feet were always big and wide. It was kind of embarrassing. Carly's feet aren't wide but they are long. She is going to be tall like her sisters. She is already well on her way.
Jono is growing like a weed also. He turns two next Wednesday. It's hard to believe. It's all gone so fast. He is such a little cutie--and a little stinker. It's good he has that cutie part down! Hee hee.
Well, better get to bed. Morning comes way too early. :)
The most energetic we got all day was when Mom and I got on a cooking binge. We have been wanting to do freezer meals for awhile. There is a fad going around where groups get together or even just a Mom or two cook meals together to cook enough meals to have a months worth of meals frozen at a time so you are set for a month. We keep thinking we are going to do that but haven't had the get up and go to get it done. We decided though that we could accomplish something like that if we would just double our recipes. That way we can bake an evening meal and freeze one for another day. So today we both ended up in the kitchen at the same time with the same idea and got two meals in the freezer. We felt pretty darn productive.
Can't remember if I mentioned this or not but Julie goes back to school on Monday. That slid up on us really quickly! I'm going to miss her daily help. Not to mention she now has an after school job. Guess we are going to see a lot less of her. :(
My 3 1/2 year old just moved into size 10 little girls shoes. I think I may be raising BIG FOOT! Although, my parents raised one too. My feet were always big and wide. It was kind of embarrassing. Carly's feet aren't wide but they are long. She is going to be tall like her sisters. She is already well on her way.
Jono is growing like a weed also. He turns two next Wednesday. It's hard to believe. It's all gone so fast. He is such a little cutie--and a little stinker. It's good he has that cutie part down! Hee hee.
Well, better get to bed. Morning comes way too early. :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Wow, the days go by fast when you are keeping busy. Getting Julie ready for her Senior year. We had to make an appt. to have her Senior pics retaken at a different studio. She looked so gorgeous the day she had the first ones taken and they had a bunch of teeny boppers manning the cameras and we weren't at all happy with how they came back. Strange poses, wierd head cranks--just plain ol' inexperience. It is really frustrating. The only good thing about it is the place the school contracts with charges an arm and a leg and you get very few pics for that. Doing it on our own we will have a better selection and no doubt like the pics much better.
Carly got a cute new dress I ordered for her today from taylorjoelle.com. It's my cousin's online baby boutique. They have the most adorable things for baby's and toddlers. Anyway, Carly loves it so much and was so excited to get it. She even wanted to take her nap in it. (Mom said "NO.")
I will have to take a picture of her in it and have her pose for you. If you have little ones you really need to check out this place out.
Grandma and Grandpa are doing okay. Grandpa hasn't felt like getting out of the house much for the last couple of days. Some days he is more sore than others. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow and can get out and get some sunshine. There is sure plenty of it to go around. :)
Well, better sign off for now. Night all.
Carly got a cute new dress I ordered for her today from taylorjoelle.com. It's my cousin's online baby boutique. They have the most adorable things for baby's and toddlers. Anyway, Carly loves it so much and was so excited to get it. She even wanted to take her nap in it. (Mom said "NO.")
I will have to take a picture of her in it and have her pose for you. If you have little ones you really need to check out this place out.
Grandma and Grandpa are doing okay. Grandpa hasn't felt like getting out of the house much for the last couple of days. Some days he is more sore than others. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow and can get out and get some sunshine. There is sure plenty of it to go around. :)
Well, better sign off for now. Night all.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
All day everyday I am barraged with requests to "do something fun." So today we actually planned something. We decided to either go bowling or play mini-golf tonight as a family.
After naps, Rob, Julie and I took the little ones and went out to eat and then headed to a Fun Center. We were almost there when I had this wild hare. You see none of us over the age of 16 were really feeling "it" by the time it came to ante up on our promise. We just weren't in the mood to go swing a club or throw a heavy ball but we knew we had to come through with some fun. My wild hare was more of an alternate idea. I said, "Hey, would you guys rather miniature golf or go play on some fun stuff at a park? The answer was immediate--"A park! A park!" (Yay for us old fogies. Yes, I'm including you Julie!) We were off the hook! Rob quickly found a park with a really cool jungle gym and other kids their age to play with. BONUS!
It was a really nice, cool evening. We sat on a bench nearby and watched as the kids played their hearts out! How about that for something fun!
After naps, Rob, Julie and I took the little ones and went out to eat and then headed to a Fun Center. We were almost there when I had this wild hare. You see none of us over the age of 16 were really feeling "it" by the time it came to ante up on our promise. We just weren't in the mood to go swing a club or throw a heavy ball but we knew we had to come through with some fun. My wild hare was more of an alternate idea. I said, "Hey, would you guys rather miniature golf or go play on some fun stuff at a park? The answer was immediate--"A park! A park!" (Yay for us old fogies. Yes, I'm including you Julie!) We were off the hook! Rob quickly found a park with a really cool jungle gym and other kids their age to play with. BONUS!
It was a really nice, cool evening. We sat on a bench nearby and watched as the kids played their hearts out! How about that for something fun!
Friday, August 12, 2011
UP IN A SWING SO HIGH! And boy do they ever! Took Carly and Jono to ride their little bikes last night at the church parking lot near this park. Well, they parked their bikes and ran over to the swings and it was all over for the biking! Thought I'd share a couple pictures with you! Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wow, when is this heat going to let up? I am so ready for it to calm down. And will someone please tell me why little kids are not affected by it? No matter how hot it is my kids are begging to go outside and play. They don't care at all about the heat. In fact, they would stay out all day if I would let them. Problem is they are so little I have to stay out with them and I just can't make myself do it. The heat zaps my energy! Yet somehow it seems to energize my little ones. What's a Momma to do?
I am pretty sure today was national "Whine and Don't Mind Your Momma Day" and somehow I just missed it on the calendar. Got to get me a new calendar so I at least have a little warning it's coming. :/
Hope you had a great day. N.
I am pretty sure today was national "Whine and Don't Mind Your Momma Day" and somehow I just missed it on the calendar. Got to get me a new calendar so I at least have a little warning it's coming. :/
Hope you had a great day. N.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
It was just a normal Wednesday today. Nothing out of the ordinary going on. It cooled down tonight enough that Rob and Julie and I took Jonathon and Carly for a ride around the block in their wagon. They really liked that. It's way too hot during the day to do something like that.
Julie's all set for school when it starts but she is getting kind of nervous for her Senior year. She will do great. (I'm still thinking of holding her back just for my sake. :/ ) Lol!
Grandpa and Grandma are busy trying to raise money for the GHS Alumni association.
Well, you now have all of Wednesday's news. Don't you feel enlightened? Lol!
Julie's all set for school when it starts but she is getting kind of nervous for her Senior year. She will do great. (I'm still thinking of holding her back just for my sake. :/ ) Lol!
Grandpa and Grandma are busy trying to raise money for the GHS Alumni association.
Well, you now have all of Wednesday's news. Don't you feel enlightened? Lol!
Monday, August 8, 2011
We had a really great weekend. Rob and his brother worked on his shed a whole bunch and got a lot done. We had dinner at some of our friend's house and played games and just enjoyed time with the family. Then on Saturday evening my sister Sarah and her kids came and spent the night with us and part of the day Sunday. It was really nice catching up and spending time together. I've missed her a lot since they moved a whole state away. Mom and Dad enjoyed having her and the grandkids here as well. It was just a nice time. :)
Grandpa and Grandma had some visitors Monday. One of their high school friend's and her husband were in town. Marina (Pell) Roger Stone and their grandaughter Shayna went to breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma. Afterward they came back to the house to meet our kids. They had a beautiful dog with them who got to run and play in our backyard with our dogs. They loved that and so did the kids!
We all really enjoyed meeting them and I know Mom and Dad had a great time visiting with them as well. It's always fun for them when friends come through and visit. You're all invited!
We all really enjoyed meeting them and I know Mom and Dad had a great time visiting with them as well. It's always fun for them when friends come through and visit. You're all invited!

Friday, August 5, 2011
It felt like a full day today. I took the little kids swimming at a friend's house this morning and let them play into the early afternoon. We came home and did lunch and naps and then had Uncle Steve and the kids over this evening. Kaden and Steve are helping Rob build his storage shed in the back yard. It's quite the project!
The girls and Jonathon all played on the swingset while I mowed the lawn. I haven't done that for quite some time but since Julie began working a "real" job the lawn hasn't been her priority. It wasn't bad, though. It was late enough in the evening that there was a cool wind blowing and it felt nice.
Grandma and Grandpa have been working on some kind of mailing project. That's been keeping them busy the last little bit. They are doing pretty well. We will all be glad when this heat lets up!
The girls and Jonathon all played on the swingset while I mowed the lawn. I haven't done that for quite some time but since Julie began working a "real" job the lawn hasn't been her priority. It wasn't bad, though. It was late enough in the evening that there was a cool wind blowing and it felt nice.
Grandma and Grandpa have been working on some kind of mailing project. That's been keeping them busy the last little bit. They are doing pretty well. We will all be glad when this heat lets up!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Rob had to be gone yesterday for work. He got back tonight and I was so glad to see him. My little ones have been dripping in drama the last little while and with them sick the drama has increased tenfold! Yay for me! :/ If you need to find me I can be reached at meltdownsareus.com. Just kidding. About the website, anyway.
I started trying to potty train Carly again this afternoon. We had one accident and one success. Yay! I just wish she had more interest in being potty trained. Hopefully, we will get past this. Cross your fingers for us.
Grandpa and Grandma are doing good. Not much to report. Love to all.
I started trying to potty train Carly again this afternoon. We had one accident and one success. Yay! I just wish she had more interest in being potty trained. Hopefully, we will get past this. Cross your fingers for us.
Grandpa and Grandma are doing good. Not much to report. Love to all.
Monday, August 1, 2011
I spent my day with doctors. Four of us are sick. It's mostly bad colds, but with the little kids I thought I should play it safe. Jonathon's breathing has gone south again so I took him to his specialist. They started him one some special meds again and hopefully we can get that under control quickly. No more nursery at church for him --- EVER. He can't go back until he is old enough to go to Sunday School where they are not sharing a multitude of toys and runny noses!
I took Carly to her pediatrician and she (the doc) felt Carly needed to take it easy, take some honey for her coughing and if she's not better in a few days she would give her an antibiotic. Hopefully, it won't come to that.
Julie and I are hacking our lungs out and blowing our noses off our faces, too but we figured the docs would tell us to just get over it. So, we are just waiting it out.
Rob, Grandma and Grandpa are doing fine. No signs of catching our gunk. Yay! Just hope it stays that way! Night all.
I took Carly to her pediatrician and she (the doc) felt Carly needed to take it easy, take some honey for her coughing and if she's not better in a few days she would give her an antibiotic. Hopefully, it won't come to that.
Julie and I are hacking our lungs out and blowing our noses off our faces, too but we figured the docs would tell us to just get over it. So, we are just waiting it out.
Rob, Grandma and Grandpa are doing fine. No signs of catching our gunk. Yay! Just hope it stays that way! Night all.
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