Grandpa is sawing lots of logs right now and has been for a couple of hours. Think it has something to do with pain meds. He actually isn't in a ton of pain. It is mostly coming across to him as pressure in his shoulder instead of pain but the doctor wanted him to start the pain meds so he can stay ahead of any real pain that shows up.
He was able to eat a sandwich and drink a milkshake about an hour and a half after coming out of recovery and keep them down without any problem. He just seems to be doing really well.
He will probably be more awake and able to talk tomorrow. His direct phone number to his room is: 801-268-7473.
They only plan to keep him in the hospital here for two days and then will send him on to a rehab facility for a couple of weeks. For anyone who wants to send a card, I would send it to him at the rehab facility. We think he will be transferred there this coming Saturday. The address and info is below. Thanks so much for all your prayers, love and support. My parents and their children appreciate it so much!
John Carson c/o
Thatcherbrook Rehabilitation and Care Center
1795 S. Chelemes Way Clearfield, UT , 84015