How do you accomplish anything when you have a toddler? I can't figure it out. I'm serious. It seems like I can't get the smallest thing done--I mean outside of feeding, clothing, playing with her and managing to clean up a little here and there. Other than those things I simply can't make any headway at all on anything. I feel like I start in the same place every day with the same pile and never quite get to it.
I do realize the Mommying is the most important part but there comes a time when some of those other things have to get done. I just want to know how you WONDER WOMEN are doing it or how you did it? Tell, please tell! All I know is most days I am so exausted from the chasing that when I put her down for a nap I want one myself!
My little girl isn't just walking, she's running and getting faster every day! No joke! It's a good thing she's so darned adorable!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
News of the Weird
In December, Idaho State University sent certified-mail letters to its adjunct faculty to disclose (as required by law) that some of them would soon be laid off. However, only the first-class mail fee was billed to the university, leaving each professor to pay on receipt the certified-mail surcharge in order to find out what the university would send them that was so important. (The Idaho State Journal reported that it was the Postal Service's error.) [The Olympian, 12-25-08]
Jailers Not Paying Attention: Christian Colon, 21, had a plea deal worked out to testify against alleged murderer Joel Rivera in exchange for a lighter sentence, but suddenly decided in February that he would not take the stand. The change of heart came right after Colon was accidentally housed in the same Milwaukee County Jail holding cell with Rivera. (With no plea deal, Colon got 46 years.) [Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee), 2-26-09]
At least Colon is still alive. A 23-year-old inmate at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary was found beaten to death in March after being mistakenly assigned to the same cell as his ex-partner-in-crime, against whom he had testified in a 2002
A News of the Weird Classic (October 1999)
From a May 1999 police report in The Messenger (Madisonville, Ky.), concerning two trucks being driven curiously on a rural road:
A man would drive a truck 100 yards, stop, walk back to a second truck, drive it 100 yards beyond the first truck, stop, walk back to the first truck, drive it 100 yards beyond the second truck, and so on, into the evening. He did it, he told police, because his brother was passed out drunk in one of the trucks, and he was trying to drive both trucks home, at more or less the same time. (Not surprisingly, a blood-alcohol test showed the driver, also, to be impaired.)
In December, Idaho State University sent certified-mail letters to its adjunct faculty to disclose (as required by law) that some of them would soon be laid off. However, only the first-class mail fee was billed to the university, leaving each professor to pay on receipt the certified-mail surcharge in order to find out what the university would send them that was so important. (The Idaho State Journal reported that it was the Postal Service's error.) [The Olympian, 12-25-08]
Jailers Not Paying Attention: Christian Colon, 21, had a plea deal worked out to testify against alleged murderer Joel Rivera in exchange for a lighter sentence, but suddenly decided in February that he would not take the stand. The change of heart came right after Colon was accidentally housed in the same Milwaukee County Jail holding cell with Rivera. (With no plea deal, Colon got 46 years.) [Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee), 2-26-09]
At least Colon is still alive. A 23-year-old inmate at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary was found beaten to death in March after being mistakenly assigned to the same cell as his ex-partner-in-crime, against whom he had testified in a 2002
A News of the Weird Classic (October 1999)
From a May 1999 police report in The Messenger (Madisonville, Ky.), concerning two trucks being driven curiously on a rural road:
A man would drive a truck 100 yards, stop, walk back to a second truck, drive it 100 yards beyond the first truck, stop, walk back to the first truck, drive it 100 yards beyond the second truck, and so on, into the evening. He did it, he told police, because his brother was passed out drunk in one of the trucks, and he was trying to drive both trucks home, at more or less the same time. (Not surprisingly, a blood-alcohol test showed the driver, also, to be impaired.)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Yesterday, it was nice and sunny--almost spring-like. Today, it was a little cool when we woke up but didn't seem too different. So, we got ready for church like normal. When we got ready to head out the door we realized we'd have to change a few clothes and shoes. It wasn't just a little cool anymore. It had started snowing hard and sticking! Off with the sandals, on with shoes, sweaters, coats, heaters and such! Before the day was over we even had hail. What a weird day! Seriously. We even turned the fireplace on and huddled by it--something we haven't done in a long time. Oh well, it was kind of fun. Hopefully, that was the last snow this year, though.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My Getaway Girl
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wow, do I feel pampered. After a long day with a little girl who simply did not want to take a nap a handsome prince came to my door and swept me off my feet! He took me out to a lovely dinner and then off to a movie! It was a fun evening with my handsome hubby! My two youngest stayed home and entertained each other and I'm pretty sure they had fun. Well, at least one of them did. Hee hee.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Talk about cranky! Wow! Carly has a favorite blanky. It is warm and fuzzy with cute ducks all over it and since she started seriously teething she loves to suck on the corners of it. She goes to sleep at night sucking on it and we find her laying awake happily sucking on it just waiting for us to come and get her in the morning. It really is her whoobie and she is darned serious about it.
Anyway, Rob put her to bed tonight, not realizing her ducky blanket was not in her crib. Serious faux paux. All of the sudden I hear her blood curtling screaming coming from her bedroom and Rob comes running out saying "Ducky blanket, ducky blanket" as fast as he can while he's looking all around. He located it quickly in the living room and ran back to the bedroom with it. Silence. That's all she wanted. Translation: DON'T PUT ME DOWN WITHOUT DUCKY! Trust me, we all got the message. We are blanky cranky at our house!
Anyway, Rob put her to bed tonight, not realizing her ducky blanket was not in her crib. Serious faux paux. All of the sudden I hear her blood curtling screaming coming from her bedroom and Rob comes running out saying "Ducky blanket, ducky blanket" as fast as he can while he's looking all around. He located it quickly in the living room and ran back to the bedroom with it. Silence. That's all she wanted. Translation: DON'T PUT ME DOWN WITHOUT DUCKY! Trust me, we all got the message. We are blanky cranky at our house!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Carly has taken up toothbrushing and she loves it so much once she starts it takes a lot of convincing to get her to put her toothbrush down. She carries it around and chews on it for hours if you let her. Usually, we can distract her after awhile. That's harder to do with her 21 year old sister who wanders around doing the same thing. If anyone has any ideas, let me know before she polishes off her enamel!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
OK, so today it was my turn for the meltdown. Carly has learned to unscrew lids. Although, I didn't realize it. So, before I knew it she had poured fabric softener on my carpet twice and slathered some of her hair cream all over the floor and her face and arms. Then she tried to open a large container of liquid bleach in the laundry room right while I was standing there. Luckily it was screwed on pretty tight! I do have a childproof handle on the laundry room door--she just happened to be in the room with me. Needless to say--I have had to further childproof my home today! She is just getting so much bigger and smarter everyday and she is starting to outsmart me! Yikes! Hmmm. But then maybe that's not that hard. Hey, who said that?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Oh my goodness! I did not know a one year old could have a hair meltdown but believe me you--it happened! Julie and I decided we would get brave and take on Carly's hair. I had seen a fourteen month old last week whose cute curly hair had been braided into some cute extensions and pulled into pony-tails and it was adorable. I talked to her mom and she told me it took several hours but she gave her little girl lots of breaks and plenty of treats and let her watch cartoons and she got through it just fine. Well, Carly is thirteen months, so I figured, "What the heck?! Let's give it a try!"
Julie and I went shopping and got all the cremes and goos, the clips, rubberbands, extensions and most important the treats. We came home and washed her hair and got everything ready--turned on the cartoons, sectioned off her hair, gave her some treats and began---GETTING SCREAMED AT!! And when she was done screaming she would take a break and yell at us! She did not want her hair touched. She did want some of the treats in between the yelling--but please stop touching my hair Mom!
I think maybe we will wait a year or so to try that again. Hmmm.
Julie and I went shopping and got all the cremes and goos, the clips, rubberbands, extensions and most important the treats. We came home and washed her hair and got everything ready--turned on the cartoons, sectioned off her hair, gave her some treats and began---GETTING SCREAMED AT!! And when she was done screaming she would take a break and yell at us! She did not want her hair touched. She did want some of the treats in between the yelling--but please stop touching my hair Mom!
I think maybe we will wait a year or so to try that again. Hmmm.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Check Out My Girls . . . I'm in Love with Them!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
I Tried to Take A Picture
Seriously, I wanted to post a new picture of Carly tonight. At least that was my plan. I got the camera ready and aimed it and she would get up and walk right up to the lens. I would move back and try to re-aim and she would do the same thing. I tried for ten minutes but moving away from her only got her upset enough to make her cry so I gave up. She wanted her face right in the camera lens and that just wasn't going to work. I guess I am going to have to be trickier next time.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
ST. POELTEN, Austria – In a stunning turn of events, an Austrian on trial for imprisoning his daughter for 24 years and fathering her seven children pleaded guilty Wednesday to all charges against him — including homicide. The move came after his daughter appeared unexpectedly in the courtroom.
Surprising even his lawyer, Josef Fritzl calmly acknowledged his guilt on the third day of a trial that has drawn worldwide media attention for its shocking allegations.
"I declare myself guilty to the charges in the indictment," Fritzl, 73, told a panel of judges, referring to what he called "my sick behavior."
Fritzl had been charged with negligent homicide, enslavement, rape, incest, forced imprisonment and coercion. Initially he had only pleaded guilty to incest and forced imprisonment. The change of plea means he could face up to life in prison for the negligent homicide charge — literally "murder by neglect" in German.
Elisabeth was the prosecution's key witness against Fritzl. Now 42, she was 18 when he imprisoned her in the cramped, windowless cell he built beneath the family's home in the town of Amstetten. He then raped her for years.
Asked by the presiding judge what had led him to change his mind, Fritzl said it was the testimony from Elisabeth — the court had viewed 11 hours of her videotaped statement during closed-door sessions Monday and Tuesday.
Fritzl's lawyer, Rudolf Mayer, said Fritzl had asked to see a psychiatrist after Tuesday's session.
"It must really have shaken him up," he said, referring to Elisabeth's testimony.
However, a person familiar with the trial told The Associated Press that Elisabeth herself was in the courtroom on both days — suggesting her presence alone might have unnerved Fritzl and prompted him to change his pleas.
The person spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the closed-door proceedings.
Other officials would not confirm that Elisabeth was there. Before the trial, prosecutors had said she would not be present and would testify only through her prerecorded remarks.
The homicide charge came for the death of an infant twin boy — Michael — born to Elisabeth in April 1996 who prosecutors say might have survived with proper medical care had he and his mother not been locked in the basement.
Elisabeth and her six surviving children, who range in age from 6 to 20, have spent months recovering from their ordeal in a psychiatric clinic and at a secret location. Prosecutors have described her as a "broken" woman.
Psychiatrist Adelheid Kastner told the court Wednesday that Fritzl had a very serious personality disorder and would pose a threat to others even at his advanced age if freed. She recommended that Fritzl serve out his sentence in a special prison facility for psychologically deranged criminals.
Fritzl expressed regret that he didn't bring the ailing infant out of the dungeon and get medical help.
"I don't know why I didn't help," Fritzl said. "I just overlooked it. I thought the little one would survive."
"I should have recognized that the baby was doing poorly," he added.
Mayer, his lawyer, had previously said Fritzl only saw the newborn once it was already dead.
Wearing a mismatched suit and a blue shirt, Fritzl did not hide his face behind a binder Wednesday as he had done for the last two days when led into the courtroom in St. Poelten, west of Vienna.
After the plea change, the psychiatrist's testimony and brief consideration of reports about the cellar, officials adjourned the trial until Thursday morning.
Legal experts say the jury will still have to deliver a verdict despite Fritzl's guilty pleas, although his confessions are grounds for a lesser sentence. The verdict and sentence for Fritzl are expected Thursday after closing statements from both sides.
Police say DNA tests prove Fritzl is the biological father of all six of Elisabeth's surviving children, three of whom never saw daylight until the crime came to light 11 months ago.
Three of the children grew up underground in Amstetten and the other three were brought upstairs to be raised by Fritzl and his wife, Rosemarie, who apparently believed they had been abandoned.
Prosecutors have alleged that Fritzl refused to speak to his daughter during the first few years of her ordeal, coming downstairs only to rape her. They said the rapes sometimes occurred in front of the children.
Mayer had not been aware of Fritzl's change of heart before Wednesday's session. "He didn't discuss it with me," he said.
Kastner, the psychiatrist who met with Fritzl several times and put together a psychological profile for the court, said the Austrian had a deep need to control people. She said Fritzl had an ability to block out his crimes but knew what he was doing was wrong, acknowledging he had a guilty conscience when he went to bed at night and when he woke up in the morning.
"Fritzl is guilty for what he did," she said, adding he also believed "he was born to rape."
She said the large number of children Fritzl fathered only strengthened the control he had over his victim. "The more children, the more power," Kastner said. "This is about possession ... power ... control."
Fritzl had testified earlier this week that he had a difficult childhood and a bad relationship with his mother.
"The climate in his parent's house was marked by fear," Kastner said.
The Associated Press normally withholds the names of victims of sexual assault. In this case, the withholding of Elisabeth's name by the AP became impractical when her name and her father's were announced publicly by police and details about them became the subject of publicity both in their home country and around the world.
Associated Press Writer William J. Kole in Vienna contributed to this report.
Surprising even his lawyer, Josef Fritzl calmly acknowledged his guilt on the third day of a trial that has drawn worldwide media attention for its shocking allegations.
"I declare myself guilty to the charges in the indictment," Fritzl, 73, told a panel of judges, referring to what he called "my sick behavior."
Fritzl had been charged with negligent homicide, enslavement, rape, incest, forced imprisonment and coercion. Initially he had only pleaded guilty to incest and forced imprisonment. The change of plea means he could face up to life in prison for the negligent homicide charge — literally "murder by neglect" in German.
Elisabeth was the prosecution's key witness against Fritzl. Now 42, she was 18 when he imprisoned her in the cramped, windowless cell he built beneath the family's home in the town of Amstetten. He then raped her for years.
Asked by the presiding judge what had led him to change his mind, Fritzl said it was the testimony from Elisabeth — the court had viewed 11 hours of her videotaped statement during closed-door sessions Monday and Tuesday.
Fritzl's lawyer, Rudolf Mayer, said Fritzl had asked to see a psychiatrist after Tuesday's session.
"It must really have shaken him up," he said, referring to Elisabeth's testimony.
However, a person familiar with the trial told The Associated Press that Elisabeth herself was in the courtroom on both days — suggesting her presence alone might have unnerved Fritzl and prompted him to change his pleas.
The person spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the closed-door proceedings.
Other officials would not confirm that Elisabeth was there. Before the trial, prosecutors had said she would not be present and would testify only through her prerecorded remarks.
The homicide charge came for the death of an infant twin boy — Michael — born to Elisabeth in April 1996 who prosecutors say might have survived with proper medical care had he and his mother not been locked in the basement.
Elisabeth and her six surviving children, who range in age from 6 to 20, have spent months recovering from their ordeal in a psychiatric clinic and at a secret location. Prosecutors have described her as a "broken" woman.
Psychiatrist Adelheid Kastner told the court Wednesday that Fritzl had a very serious personality disorder and would pose a threat to others even at his advanced age if freed. She recommended that Fritzl serve out his sentence in a special prison facility for psychologically deranged criminals.
Fritzl expressed regret that he didn't bring the ailing infant out of the dungeon and get medical help.
"I don't know why I didn't help," Fritzl said. "I just overlooked it. I thought the little one would survive."
"I should have recognized that the baby was doing poorly," he added.
Mayer, his lawyer, had previously said Fritzl only saw the newborn once it was already dead.
Wearing a mismatched suit and a blue shirt, Fritzl did not hide his face behind a binder Wednesday as he had done for the last two days when led into the courtroom in St. Poelten, west of Vienna.
After the plea change, the psychiatrist's testimony and brief consideration of reports about the cellar, officials adjourned the trial until Thursday morning.
Legal experts say the jury will still have to deliver a verdict despite Fritzl's guilty pleas, although his confessions are grounds for a lesser sentence. The verdict and sentence for Fritzl are expected Thursday after closing statements from both sides.
Police say DNA tests prove Fritzl is the biological father of all six of Elisabeth's surviving children, three of whom never saw daylight until the crime came to light 11 months ago.
Three of the children grew up underground in Amstetten and the other three were brought upstairs to be raised by Fritzl and his wife, Rosemarie, who apparently believed they had been abandoned.
Prosecutors have alleged that Fritzl refused to speak to his daughter during the first few years of her ordeal, coming downstairs only to rape her. They said the rapes sometimes occurred in front of the children.
Mayer had not been aware of Fritzl's change of heart before Wednesday's session. "He didn't discuss it with me," he said.
Kastner, the psychiatrist who met with Fritzl several times and put together a psychological profile for the court, said the Austrian had a deep need to control people. She said Fritzl had an ability to block out his crimes but knew what he was doing was wrong, acknowledging he had a guilty conscience when he went to bed at night and when he woke up in the morning.
"Fritzl is guilty for what he did," she said, adding he also believed "he was born to rape."
She said the large number of children Fritzl fathered only strengthened the control he had over his victim. "The more children, the more power," Kastner said. "This is about possession ... power ... control."
Fritzl had testified earlier this week that he had a difficult childhood and a bad relationship with his mother.
"The climate in his parent's house was marked by fear," Kastner said.
The Associated Press normally withholds the names of victims of sexual assault. In this case, the withholding of Elisabeth's name by the AP became impractical when her name and her father's were announced publicly by police and details about them became the subject of publicity both in their home country and around the world.
Associated Press Writer William J. Kole in Vienna contributed to this report.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Adoption Conference
I've spent the last couple of days attending an adoption conference and it's been really good. There have been some interesting classes, some of which have been on transracial adoption. However, there was a class today that got into some discussions on race that made me feel we had gone years back in time. It made me feel hopeless on the whole issue of ever making progress on race relations and ending racism.
I am not ignorant of the fact that there is a huge amount of racism in this country but I do think there has been progress over the years--especially since the fifties and sixties. Surely, the progress since then is measurable. Maybe it will never get completely solved but I cannot believe it is hopeless. I simply can't.
I am not ignorant of the fact that there is a huge amount of racism in this country but I do think there has been progress over the years--especially since the fifties and sixties. Surely, the progress since then is measurable. Maybe it will never get completely solved but I cannot believe it is hopeless. I simply can't.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Yesterday was such a sweet day at church. Carly was being a LOT fussy during our last meeting and I had to leave with her. Way too noisy. I took her out to the foyer and sat down on the couch with her and tried to feed her a bottle but she didn't want it. She stood up on my lap and pointed to a framed portrait behind me and said, "Jesus." I was so excited. I said "Yes, that's right." Then she pointed to another one across the room and said the same thing. She was right again. I picked her up and we went walking down the hallway and passed a few more and she picked him out everytime--even when there were more people in the picture than just him--she could put her finger right on him. I'm thinking this is pretty good for a 13 month old!
When she was really tiny and fussy, I would carry her through the hall and stop at the pictures and tell her about Jesus and point to him. I had an idea at the time that she knew all about him and remembered him even better than I did. It's funny but I haven't done that with her for a long time so I was surprised yesterday when she just came out with it so clearly. Guess my first impression was right. She has come so recently from him she remembers.

When she was really tiny and fussy, I would carry her through the hall and stop at the pictures and tell her about Jesus and point to him. I had an idea at the time that she knew all about him and remembered him even better than I did. It's funny but I haven't done that with her for a long time so I was surprised yesterday when she just came out with it so clearly. Guess my first impression was right. She has come so recently from him she remembers.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Can Things Get More Absurd Than This?
I got this article off the wierd news file and it isn't just wierd it's ridiculous! If this guy wasn't being ousted by term limits he should be ousted by his constituents. We need to throw out all the politicians and start over! That's what I think anyway!
Senator Suing God Urges Judge to Proceed
Court Could Throw Suit Out Because of Failure to Serve Notice on God
By JOSH FUNK Associated Press Writer
August 5, 2008—
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) --State Sen. Ernie Chambers says his lawsuit against God might seem funny but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a serious point.
Chambers asked Douglas County District Judge Marlon Polk on Tuesday to let his lawsuit proceed. Chambers said he wants to make the point that everyone should have access to the courts regardless of whether they are poor or have the means of billionaire Warren Buffett of Omaha.
"What brought me to the point of filing this lawsuit was the ill-advised attempts by certain legislators to prevent the filing of certain lawsuits," Chambers said.
Polk said he would consider the issue and rule later.
Chambers acknowledges using wit and humor in the lawsuit he filed last September seeking a permanent injunction against God. Chambers said God has made terroristic threats against the senator and his constituents in Omaha, inspired fear and caused "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants."
The court told Chambers last week that his lawsuit may be dismissed because he had failed to serve notice on God. Chambers acknowledged that failure in court Tuesday while sitting a few feet away from an empty table reserved for God and God's attorney.
"Despite my most sincere, zealous efforts, I could not find a location to serve the defendant," Chambers said.
But Chambers asked Polk to take official notice of God, and the Almighty's omniscience and omnipresence.
Chambers argued that courts and the U.S. government already routinely take notice of God. Courts swear in witnesses with an oath that includes the phrase "so help me God." Plus, the pledge of allegiance describes "one nation, under God," and U.S. currency proclaims "In God We Trust."
And the senator said that if the court recognizes God, the deity wouldn't need formal notice of the lawsuit because he knows everything. And God would be at every hearing because he's everywhere always.
A senator for 38 years, Chambers skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticizes Christians. He is being pushed out of the Legislature by term limits.
Chambers said he appreciates the difficult position Judge Polk is in because of the unique nature of the case, but he hopes the lawsuit will be allowed to proceed.
"Your honor, I do not envy your position," Chambers said.
Senator Suing God Urges Judge to Proceed
Court Could Throw Suit Out Because of Failure to Serve Notice on God
By JOSH FUNK Associated Press Writer
August 5, 2008—
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) --State Sen. Ernie Chambers says his lawsuit against God might seem funny but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a serious point.
Chambers asked Douglas County District Judge Marlon Polk on Tuesday to let his lawsuit proceed. Chambers said he wants to make the point that everyone should have access to the courts regardless of whether they are poor or have the means of billionaire Warren Buffett of Omaha.
"What brought me to the point of filing this lawsuit was the ill-advised attempts by certain legislators to prevent the filing of certain lawsuits," Chambers said.
Polk said he would consider the issue and rule later.
Chambers acknowledges using wit and humor in the lawsuit he filed last September seeking a permanent injunction against God. Chambers said God has made terroristic threats against the senator and his constituents in Omaha, inspired fear and caused "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants."
The court told Chambers last week that his lawsuit may be dismissed because he had failed to serve notice on God. Chambers acknowledged that failure in court Tuesday while sitting a few feet away from an empty table reserved for God and God's attorney.
"Despite my most sincere, zealous efforts, I could not find a location to serve the defendant," Chambers said.
But Chambers asked Polk to take official notice of God, and the Almighty's omniscience and omnipresence.
Chambers argued that courts and the U.S. government already routinely take notice of God. Courts swear in witnesses with an oath that includes the phrase "so help me God." Plus, the pledge of allegiance describes "one nation, under God," and U.S. currency proclaims "In God We Trust."
And the senator said that if the court recognizes God, the deity wouldn't need formal notice of the lawsuit because he knows everything. And God would be at every hearing because he's everywhere always.
A senator for 38 years, Chambers skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticizes Christians. He is being pushed out of the Legislature by term limits.
Chambers said he appreciates the difficult position Judge Polk is in because of the unique nature of the case, but he hopes the lawsuit will be allowed to proceed.
"Your honor, I do not envy your position," Chambers said.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This Is A Great Article
Is Obama the New Coke?
By John Tantillo
Marketing and Brand Expert
Folks, first some history. In the early eighties, one of Jimmy Carter’s bright young political advisers, Pat Caddell, landed the plum marketing gig of guiding Coca Cola into the future–and he almost ran that venerable brand into the ground
I’m talking about the “New Coke” debacle. Threatened by Pepsi’s growing market share and driven by data that said that the consumer wanted sweeter drinks, Coca Cola scrapped its time-honored soda formula and introduced New Coke.
Presidents Reagan and Clinton both knew this about their Target Markets: the American people could be stretched, but in the end political marketing was the order of the day: Americans’ fundamental needs and beliefs cannot be forgotten.
The outrage was deafening. People couldn’t believe that their soda was being taken away from them. Coca Cola listened and New Coke is now just a distant memory.
How could all of the polls, surveys and consumer data have been wrong?
Well, they didn’t take into account what really mattered to the consumer: choice and continuity. One more thing –and it’s a biggie– Coke was thinking about cola drinkers not Coke drinkers. It forgot its target market.
So I ask, is President Obama the New Coke?
The electorate seemed to want change in 2008 and Obama seemed to represent the change they wanted. This change was about politicians moving beyond partisanship to get things moving again in Washington –it was not about big government solving everyone’s problems. It wasn’t a Democrat or a Republican that the electorate wanted. No, it was a person of change who would not put the same old practices into political play.
In the early eighties, the cola consumer seemed to want change too, but when they got change, they didn’t like what they got. The people drinking Pepsi didn’t start drinking New Coke. And Coke drinkers stopped drinking the New Coke. This is the worst possible marketing outcome for any product or political brand — you end up pleasing none of the people all of the time.
There are two basic scenarios for Brand Obama at this point.
One, the electorate thought they were getting one thing in Obama and instead got something very different. In other words, they wanted the change he said he would bring, but dislike the change he is actually bringing and actually believes in. In this scenario, Obama is what he is and simply won’t be able to adapt to what the Target Market demands –this spells a short stay — one term — in the White House.
Two, Obama is the change the electorate wants and he is capable of embodying this change. But the president has lost sight of his Target Market’s needs and is falling prey to inside-the-Beltway realities and left-leaning pieties and interest groups.
This is the New Coke scenario. Instead of subtly altering the ingredients of the product to adapt to changing tastes, you make a big product change, bring people’s attention to that change and alienate your Target Market. Go ahead and do that Mr. President –but only if you want to squander the marketing success that brought you to the show and got you elected president of the United States!
The problem for Brand Obama is that once you become the New Coke, it’s very hard to become “Classic Coke” again. Every compromise, every pork-filled, partisan program, every pro-big government, anti-free market message drives his brand farther and farther from the Target Market that elected him.
Presidents Reagan and Clinton both knew this about their Target Markets: the American people could be stretched, but in the end political marketing was the order of the day: Americans’ fundamental needs and beliefs cannot be forgotten.
Even though these men came from opposite ends of the ideological spectrum, as a political marketer each president remained true to the fundamentals of the American electorate that has always believed in basic fair play, the power of individual freedom and the limited uses of government.
The first 100 days in office are tricky for all presidents. In this short testing period, Kennedy went a long way to losing the South to the Republicans for a quarter century.
But if Brand Obama doesn’t want to remain the New Coke, he must make some strong statements that drive home that he is not merely a more of the same liberal Democratic brand.
There are some signs of hope for his brand. This week even as he said he would sign the omnibus spending bill, he criticized the earmarks in it and promised that in the future this kind of pork would not stand. A veto, though nearly impossible, would have sent an even better message to his Target Market.
On Tuesday, he even implied that he’s going to take on the powerful teachers union to deliver on his promise of improving our education system. That’s big and if he actually does it we might just be spared another New Coke.
Stay tuned.
And remember, it’s always easier to understand politics when you keep marketing and branding in mind.
John Tantillo is a marketing and brand expert.
By John Tantillo
Marketing and Brand Expert
Folks, first some history. In the early eighties, one of Jimmy Carter’s bright young political advisers, Pat Caddell, landed the plum marketing gig of guiding Coca Cola into the future–and he almost ran that venerable brand into the ground
I’m talking about the “New Coke” debacle. Threatened by Pepsi’s growing market share and driven by data that said that the consumer wanted sweeter drinks, Coca Cola scrapped its time-honored soda formula and introduced New Coke.
Presidents Reagan and Clinton both knew this about their Target Markets: the American people could be stretched, but in the end political marketing was the order of the day: Americans’ fundamental needs and beliefs cannot be forgotten.
The outrage was deafening. People couldn’t believe that their soda was being taken away from them. Coca Cola listened and New Coke is now just a distant memory.
How could all of the polls, surveys and consumer data have been wrong?
Well, they didn’t take into account what really mattered to the consumer: choice and continuity. One more thing –and it’s a biggie– Coke was thinking about cola drinkers not Coke drinkers. It forgot its target market.
So I ask, is President Obama the New Coke?
The electorate seemed to want change in 2008 and Obama seemed to represent the change they wanted. This change was about politicians moving beyond partisanship to get things moving again in Washington –it was not about big government solving everyone’s problems. It wasn’t a Democrat or a Republican that the electorate wanted. No, it was a person of change who would not put the same old practices into political play.
In the early eighties, the cola consumer seemed to want change too, but when they got change, they didn’t like what they got. The people drinking Pepsi didn’t start drinking New Coke. And Coke drinkers stopped drinking the New Coke. This is the worst possible marketing outcome for any product or political brand — you end up pleasing none of the people all of the time.
There are two basic scenarios for Brand Obama at this point.
One, the electorate thought they were getting one thing in Obama and instead got something very different. In other words, they wanted the change he said he would bring, but dislike the change he is actually bringing and actually believes in. In this scenario, Obama is what he is and simply won’t be able to adapt to what the Target Market demands –this spells a short stay — one term — in the White House.
Two, Obama is the change the electorate wants and he is capable of embodying this change. But the president has lost sight of his Target Market’s needs and is falling prey to inside-the-Beltway realities and left-leaning pieties and interest groups.
This is the New Coke scenario. Instead of subtly altering the ingredients of the product to adapt to changing tastes, you make a big product change, bring people’s attention to that change and alienate your Target Market. Go ahead and do that Mr. President –but only if you want to squander the marketing success that brought you to the show and got you elected president of the United States!
The problem for Brand Obama is that once you become the New Coke, it’s very hard to become “Classic Coke” again. Every compromise, every pork-filled, partisan program, every pro-big government, anti-free market message drives his brand farther and farther from the Target Market that elected him.
Presidents Reagan and Clinton both knew this about their Target Markets: the American people could be stretched, but in the end political marketing was the order of the day: Americans’ fundamental needs and beliefs cannot be forgotten.
Even though these men came from opposite ends of the ideological spectrum, as a political marketer each president remained true to the fundamentals of the American electorate that has always believed in basic fair play, the power of individual freedom and the limited uses of government.
The first 100 days in office are tricky for all presidents. In this short testing period, Kennedy went a long way to losing the South to the Republicans for a quarter century.
But if Brand Obama doesn’t want to remain the New Coke, he must make some strong statements that drive home that he is not merely a more of the same liberal Democratic brand.
There are some signs of hope for his brand. This week even as he said he would sign the omnibus spending bill, he criticized the earmarks in it and promised that in the future this kind of pork would not stand. A veto, though nearly impossible, would have sent an even better message to his Target Market.
On Tuesday, he even implied that he’s going to take on the powerful teachers union to deliver on his promise of improving our education system. That’s big and if he actually does it we might just be spared another New Coke.
Stay tuned.
And remember, it’s always easier to understand politics when you keep marketing and branding in mind.
John Tantillo is a marketing and brand expert.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Movie Night with the Kids
We just got done watching an "old" movie. You know one of those from the eighties. . . from way back when. We watched Jewel of the Nile which is the sequel to Romancing the Stone. They star Michael Douglas and Katherine Turner. We watched the latter one last week with the kids and watched the sequal tonight. I remembered them both being pretty good movies but I was disappointed in the sequal. There wasn't much to it. I think the kids still enjoyed it okay--and maybe it's just me seeing it 20 years later having a different take on it. Luckily, we have Clearplay now which edits the language and nudity out because there was plenty of both--and it was PG back then. Wierd! Anyway, we still had a fun evening together. Our kids have a hard time believing they made any good movies before they hit their teenage years--so we are trying to show them it's not true!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
What Grade Would You Give the President?
I was really surprised to see this poll on MSNBC. When I first saw it this morning his numbers were much lower in the A category--like 7%. It will be interesting to see what it is at the end. You should go vote.
If you were grading Barack Obama on his performance as president, what would he get? * 302627 responses
He gets an A
He gets a B
He gets a C
He gets a D
He gets an F
Not a scientific survey. Click to learn more. Results may not total 100% due to rounding.
If you were grading Barack Obama on his performance as president, what would he get? * 302627 responses
He gets an A
He gets a B
He gets a C
He gets a D
He gets an F
Not a scientific survey. Click to learn more. Results may not total 100% due to rounding.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye . . .
My dear friend Taylor was back in town today to close on her house and so of course we had to do the tearful goodbye scene all over again. Women! What are ya gonna do?! You can't live with 'em and ya just can't shoot 'em! Hey, did I say that?! Anyway, I spent the afternoon with her and the movers and then we did dinner and our goodbyes. We were truly pitiful! I hate it when good friends move far away. It just plain stinks!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Resume Burnout
It's almost midnight and I have been working on resumes and cover letters since about 1:00 pm for a couple of friends. Rob and I are volunteers to help with employment needs in our area and lately there has been a lot of need. Luckily the last few days we've received news of a whole bunch of job openings and thus, the rush for help with writing and updating resumes and writing cover letters. I don't mind admitting I am a little burned out today, though. Ugh.
Maybe a good night's sleep will put me back on track to my cheery volunteer state. That's probably all I need. Actually, I am really excited about all the job openings. We have so many people who have been laid off and are looking for work. So, Yay for jobs! Yay for work!
Let's go America. Let's get back on track!
Maybe a good night's sleep will put me back on track to my cheery volunteer state. That's probably all I need. Actually, I am really excited about all the job openings. We have so many people who have been laid off and are looking for work. So, Yay for jobs! Yay for work!
Let's go America. Let's get back on track!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Oh No. More Snow!
I couldn't believe it when I awoke today to more snow. Even so, it seemed rather mild, the kind that doesn't really stick. It kept coming down most of the day really lightly but just didn't stay too much on the ground. That is until about 20 minutes before Julie was supposed to come home from school. Then it started to come in heavy flakes and torrents and it stuck! And of course, I had just gotten Carly to sleep! So, up she came and we went to get big sister in the storm so she didn't have to walk home and become a giant, frozen snow monster! She appreciated it big time. It's bedtime now and I think we have about 4 inches on the ground and it's still snowing. I just keep wondering when we are going to be through with the snow. I guess I will just be grateful for the moisture no matter what form it comes in since droughts are everywhere these days!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Carly Doing Her Thang!
Here's a little capture (I'll stop short of calling it a video) of Carly doing a little dancing to us sort of humming the weight watcher's hungry commercial theme. It's one of her favorites and always gets her hips moving. Although, we are a bit annoying--it makes her happy. I don't know why my camera is short circuiting here and there. It may be that the battery needed charging. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it enough to watch. She's pretty cute!
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Swim lessons went pretty well. Carly likes water and doesn't mind getting wet--that is unless she goes under the water which she did a couple of times by falling forward but she only got her face in a little bit. Then later in the lesson they had us blow in their faces so they would take a breath and then take them under and up real quick. She was NOT a fan of that! I don't think I will do it again if they ask us to. I will just let her decide when she wants to go under by herself.
Mostly the teacher had us let them get used to the water and play with some water toys for awhile. Then we started working with our kids on floating on their backs and stomachs. I think it is going to be a good class for her.
It's a pretty big pool so Julie had a hard time getting any decent pictures since we were out in the middle and she was back on the side.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Hopefully, this is just a start and a small one at that, but I just finished going through my closet and dressers and doing a major clean out! Yay for me! Strike a major blow for space and freedom from clutter! I am bound and determined to get rid of the things I don't need that are just cluttering up my life. I have four huge boxes of clothes and shoes to donate and I'm really excited to have them leave my house.
Just the thought of being able to hang something up in my closet without having to use the force of my entire body to shove the other clothes toward the wall to make room for it makes me smile. I have always hung onto things because "I might need them later." I've decided that "later" rarely comes and when it does I have so much stuff I can't find that specific thing anyway so I usually have to go out and buy a new whatever it is.
Hopefully, this is a start to a brand new uncluttered me. We will see.
Just the thought of being able to hang something up in my closet without having to use the force of my entire body to shove the other clothes toward the wall to make room for it makes me smile. I have always hung onto things because "I might need them later." I've decided that "later" rarely comes and when it does I have so much stuff I can't find that specific thing anyway so I usually have to go out and buy a new whatever it is.
Hopefully, this is a start to a brand new uncluttered me. We will see.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Carly's Favorite Song
This is from a month or two ago and it's our attempt to get Carly to dance to her favorite song on camera. It's a song called Gummy Bear sung by as near as I can tell real gummy bears. Hee hee. Anyway, when no one is watching and it's playing she moves her little booty to it so fine. But as you can see in this short clip she has to have a little help. Also, it's right before bedtime here--so that could be part of it. Anyway, enjoy! (p.s. You'll have to look at it sideways because it was taken with someone else's phone and they didn't know how to turn it around and I couldn't figure out how to edit it after either. Sorry.)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Middle Name is A Powerful Thing
I knew it worked at my house, growing up that is but I truly had no idea the power a middle name had until I used it tonight myself. Actually, I should say using the formal first and middle name together is the true power. I have never done it as a parent until tonight.
When I was growing up if my parents ever called out my first and middle name together I knew I was in trouble. Didn't you? I mean, there was NEVER any good coming from that. I still remember one day being at my cousin's house and hearing my Sweet Aunt Kaye use a tone I'd never heard her use before. All of the sudden I heard her call out "Victoria Lynn Come here right now!" I knew right away my cousing Vicki was not going in the other room to get some kind of a prize or balloon or something. I had heard that tone at my house before but never at my cousin's. I'm not even sure I knew she had any other names until I heard "the tone" that day but I've never forgotten her whole name since, either.
You see, there is that special tone that's just for using the first and middle name together and when someone does it to you (usually just your parent) it means you should; a. be frightened, and b. you should probably run in the opposite direction as quickly as possible. At least that's the way I always interpreted the tone. (Did I mention I was a pretty precocious kid?) You, however are free to decipher the meaning of "the tone" for yourself.
Well, my whole point here is I had to use "the tone" for the first time tonight with Carly. She was trying to poke things into the VCR and I couldn't get over to her quickly enough to stop her. I called her name three times to try to get her to stop each time at a slightly higher volume than the last. She didn't even bother to turn around to see who might be calling her name. She didn't flinch or act like she even heard me.
It hadn't even occurred to me to use the tone and all her names. It wasn't pre-meditated. It just came out of my mouth as if my Mother herself was saying it. All of the sudden, I heard myself using her formal first name and middle name together which I have never done except in the most loving manner because she is named after my Mom and that's kind of sacred to me. At any rate when I said her first and middle name in that "Oh so parent like tone" we all know so well, she immediately turned jetted out of the room. She looked at me as if to say, "Look lady, I don't want any trouble here." She went into the front room and quietly played with another toy. No problem. No crying. I was flabbergasted. I didn't know parents were doing that all these years because IT WORKS!! Why didn't you tell us that?! Man, I'm gonna do that a lot more often! Sorry Mom. Guess I'm gonna have to take your name in vain to make my child behave. Love you. You too Auntie Kaye!
When I was growing up if my parents ever called out my first and middle name together I knew I was in trouble. Didn't you? I mean, there was NEVER any good coming from that. I still remember one day being at my cousin's house and hearing my Sweet Aunt Kaye use a tone I'd never heard her use before. All of the sudden I heard her call out "Victoria Lynn Come here right now!" I knew right away my cousing Vicki was not going in the other room to get some kind of a prize or balloon or something. I had heard that tone at my house before but never at my cousin's. I'm not even sure I knew she had any other names until I heard "the tone" that day but I've never forgotten her whole name since, either.
You see, there is that special tone that's just for using the first and middle name together and when someone does it to you (usually just your parent) it means you should; a. be frightened, and b. you should probably run in the opposite direction as quickly as possible. At least that's the way I always interpreted the tone. (Did I mention I was a pretty precocious kid?) You, however are free to decipher the meaning of "the tone" for yourself.
Well, my whole point here is I had to use "the tone" for the first time tonight with Carly. She was trying to poke things into the VCR and I couldn't get over to her quickly enough to stop her. I called her name three times to try to get her to stop each time at a slightly higher volume than the last. She didn't even bother to turn around to see who might be calling her name. She didn't flinch or act like she even heard me.
It hadn't even occurred to me to use the tone and all her names. It wasn't pre-meditated. It just came out of my mouth as if my Mother herself was saying it. All of the sudden, I heard myself using her formal first name and middle name together which I have never done except in the most loving manner because she is named after my Mom and that's kind of sacred to me. At any rate when I said her first and middle name in that "Oh so parent like tone" we all know so well, she immediately turned jetted out of the room. She looked at me as if to say, "Look lady, I don't want any trouble here." She went into the front room and quietly played with another toy. No problem. No crying. I was flabbergasted. I didn't know parents were doing that all these years because IT WORKS!! Why didn't you tell us that?! Man, I'm gonna do that a lot more often! Sorry Mom. Guess I'm gonna have to take your name in vain to make my child behave. Love you. You too Auntie Kaye!
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Speed of LIfe
Just in the last few days Carly has had her fifth tooth start coming in. It's almost all the way in now. It seems like each one comes in faster than the last one. Pretty soon she is going to have a whole mouthful. She's still battling her cold and has been really tired since she got her five shots. I'm hoping she starts to pick back up a little tomorrow.
Her feet sure do move these days, though. She is running all over the house. I guess that could be part of her tiredness. She is 31.5 inches tall now. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. It's just amazing to me.
Speaking of growing up, Julie is doing the very same thing -- even faster if you ask me. Seems like just yesterday she was an 11 year old and now she's talking about turning 16. Yikes! Of course, that's nine months away--but still. It's way too soon for me.
Life sure moves fast while it's rolling over your face and leaving all those wrinkles, doesn't it?!
Her feet sure do move these days, though. She is running all over the house. I guess that could be part of her tiredness. She is 31.5 inches tall now. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. It's just amazing to me.
Speaking of growing up, Julie is doing the very same thing -- even faster if you ask me. Seems like just yesterday she was an 11 year old and now she's talking about turning 16. Yikes! Of course, that's nine months away--but still. It's way too soon for me.
Life sure moves fast while it's rolling over your face and leaving all those wrinkles, doesn't it?!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I Got Nothing . . .
You know what? I got nothing. There are some days when things are just like that and today is one of them. Nothing exciting happened--nothing funny--nothing unusual. I didn't take any photos or videos. There is nothing at all going on.
I am mad at our legislature. We went to do our taxes and turns out in a year end sweep they wiped out all of our adoption credits and deductions--along with a lot of other things I'm sure. I went to look up what other laws and changes they'd made and the list was a mile long and all covert. It was listed by number and letter and you had to research what each of those were after you looked up those numbers. I've had adoption on the brain for more than a year and I listen to the news every day and I promise you this was never a newsworthy subject. This got passed on the sly as a part of a bigger package. I am going to be writing a few letters to a few senators and representatives. That's for sure!
All I'm saying is check out the PORK in all these bills that are getting signed and passed. You are losing and gaining things you are NOT GONNA LIKE NOR APPRECIATE! GRRR.
Well, other than that--I GOT NOTHING!
I am mad at our legislature. We went to do our taxes and turns out in a year end sweep they wiped out all of our adoption credits and deductions--along with a lot of other things I'm sure. I went to look up what other laws and changes they'd made and the list was a mile long and all covert. It was listed by number and letter and you had to research what each of those were after you looked up those numbers. I've had adoption on the brain for more than a year and I listen to the news every day and I promise you this was never a newsworthy subject. This got passed on the sly as a part of a bigger package. I am going to be writing a few letters to a few senators and representatives. That's for sure!
All I'm saying is check out the PORK in all these bills that are getting signed and passed. You are losing and gaining things you are NOT GONNA LIKE NOR APPRECIATE! GRRR.
Well, other than that--I GOT NOTHING!
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